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MUSEUMS in Aachen

Centre Charlemagne
Di-So 10-18 Uhr
Katschhof 1, 52062 Aachen

The Center Charlemagne is the new city museum of the city of Aachen. In the permanent exhibition of the Center Charlemagne, visitors get to know the most important Aachen figures, events and stories.

The Center Charlemagne does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the middle of the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several car parks near the Center Charlemagne. 5 disabled parking spaces are available in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstrasse 5), a 1-minute walk away.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. Barrier-free entrances to the museum are marked. Folding stools (60) can be borrowed.

The elevator in the house is suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator takes you to the various stations of the permanent exhibition in the basement.

The café on the ground floor is barrier-free. 1 disabled toilet is available on the ground floor. Numerous handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available on the ground floor.

There are inductive audio systems in all rooms accessible to visitors.

40 audio guides are available. There is also the option of downloading an app with the same information.

Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered, which can also be booked independently. Three magnifying glasses are permanently installed in the permanent exhibition.

Sign language is offered at numerous media stations in the permanent exhibition. Guided tours in sign language for groups are available on request.

Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available for groups on request.
The Center Charlemagne does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the middle of the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several car parks near the Center Charlemagne. 1 minute walk, in the Rathaus car park (Mostardstrasse 5) there are 5 disabled parking spaces available.
Access to the building is at ground level and stepless.
The elevator in the house is suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator takes you to the various stations of the permanent exhibition in the basement.
The café on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.
1 disabled toilet is available on the ground floor. Numerous disabled-accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available on the ground floor.
40 audio guides are available. There is also the option of downloading an app with the same information.
Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered, which can also be booked at any time. Three magnifying glasses are permanently installed in the permanent exhibition.
Sign language is offered at numerous media stations in the permanent exhibition. Guided tours in sign language for groups are available on request.
Barrier-free entrances to the museum are marked. Folding stools (60) can be borrowed.
Guided tours in simple language for groups are available on request.
Inductive audio system in all rooms accessible to visitors.

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Centre Charlemagne

Di-So 10-18 h
Hühnermarkt 17, 52062 Aachen

The Couven Museum is housed in a listed old building from 1786, in which accessibility cannot be created. Only limited barrier-free access to some rooms on the ground floor is possible. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.

The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes` walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).

A disabled toilet is not available.

The exhibition rooms on the first and second floor are not barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

Once or twice a year and on request, trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the museum are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956
The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes’ walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).
The Couven Museum is a listed old building from 1786, in which complete accessibility cannot be achieved. Only limited barrier-free access, at ground level and without steps, is possible to some rooms on the ground floor. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.
Guided tours for groups can be conducted in easy language on request.
A disabled toilet is not available.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the Musuem are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Couven-Museum

Internationales Zeitungsmuseum IZM
Di-So 10-18 h
Pontstr. 13, 52062 Aachen

The IZM has been housed in the historic "Great House of Aachen" (1495) since 1931. It is located in the pedestrian zone and therefore does not have its own disabled parking space. On the museum`s website, however, a city map with all disabled parking spaces in the area can be called up (PDF).
The museum is located in the pedestrian zone and therefore does not have its own disabled parking space. However, a city map with all disabled parking spaces in the area (PDF) can be called up on the museum`s website.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The museum is accessible at ground level and without steps. In the entrance area there is a wheelchair-accessible elevator. The elevator takes you to the 1 meter higher exhibition level with the checkout area. From here you can reach the Café Kaffesatz and the disabled toilet without barriers.
With the lift, which is suitable for wheelchairs, you can reach the 1 meter higher exhibition level from the entrance area with the cash register area, disabled toilet facilities, museum shop and the Café Kaffesatz. The library and the permanent exhibition on the upper floor can also be reached by elevator.
A disabled toilet is located on the lower exhibition level.
The Café Kaffesatz is barrier-free accessible from the checkout area.
Infopoints with audio guides are installed in every room of the permanent exhibition for people with visual impairments.
Infopoints with audio guides are installed in every room of the permanent exhibition for people with visual impairments.

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Internationales Zeitungsmuseum IZM

Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster
Do-Sa 14-18, So 12-18 h
Abteigarten 6, 52076 Aachen

The museum is housed in an old building, but efforts have been made to ensure that it is largely barrier-free. Unfortunately, this is currently only possible to a limited extent. The upper floor with the collection presentation can only be reached via stairs.

Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst
Di,Mi,Fr 12-18, Do 12-20, Sa/So 11-18 h
Jülicher Strasse 97-109, 52070 Aachen

Since 1991, the Ludwig Forum for International Art has been housed in the Brauer umbrella factory, which was built in 1928 in the Bauhaus style and relocated in 1988.

There are 2 public disabled parking spaces available for a fee.

All exhibition rooms, the library and the workshop can be reached barrier-free via the car park and the ground-level main entrance. The door widths are suitable for wheelchairs everywhere. There are two elevators. All floors of the museum can be reached via the barrier-free elevators. Disabled toilets are located in the basement and on the ground floor in the library. The cafeteria is barrier-free accessible.

10 folding stools and 1 rental wheelchair are available at the cash desk,

A museum brochure in plain language is available at the ticket office.

An assistance dog is allowed.

Guided tours in sign language are available for all exhibitions on request.

Creative programs for people with dementia and individual museum pedagogy workshops are offered for people with disabilities. Information and registration from Mr. Karl-Heinz Jeiter, phone: +49 241 1807-115, email: karl-heinz.jeiter@mail.aachen.de
There are 2 public disabled parking spaces available for a fee.
Access for wheelchair users is stepless and at ground level via the main entrance. A door opener is available.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and in the library on the ground floor.
All floors of the museum can be reached via barrier-free elevators.
The cafeteria is barrier-free accessible.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
On request, themed tours in sign language are offered for all exhibitions
A museum brochure in plain language is available at the ticket office. The brochure can also be downloaded as a PDF from the home page.
10 folding stools and 1 rental wheelchair are available at the cash desk.

Creative programs for people with dementia changes and individual museum pedagogy workshops are offered for people with disabilities. Information and registration from Mr. Karl-Heinz Jeiter, phone: +49 241 1807-115, email: karl-heinz.jeiter@mail.aachen.de

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst

Di-Fr 15-18, Mi 12-20, Sa/So 11-18 h
Wilhelmstraße 18, 52070 Aachen

Since 1901 the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum has been housed in the Villa Cassalette, which is a listed building.

The Apag multi-storey car park (Adalbertsteinweg 34) is located near the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum and has 4 designated disabled parking spaces on the entrance level. Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless through the main entrance. If necessary, the door will be opened by the staff in the adjacent checkout area.

All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with lifts.

1 disabled toilet is located in the basement.

Folding stools can be borrowed, a reservation is recommended.

Audio guides are available on request.

Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request. (Phone: 0241-432-4998, email: museumspaedagogik@mail.aachen.de)

Assistance dogs are allowed on request.
The Apag multi-storey car park (Adalbertsteinweg 34) with 4 designated disabled parking spaces on the entrance level is located nearby.
Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless through the main entrance. If necessary, the door will be opened by the staff in the adjacent checkout area.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with lifts.
Audio guides are available on request.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
Assistance dogs are allowed on request.
Folding stools can be borrowed, reservations are recommended. Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum