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MUSEUMS in Bochum

Kunstmuseum Bochum
Di - So 10-17, Mi 10-20 h
Kortumstr. 147, 44777 Bochum

The Bochum Art Museum was founded in 1960 as a municipal art gallery for art after 1945 and is housed in the historic Villa Marckhoff. In 1983, a cubic extension was built by the Danish architects Bo and Wohlert.

Access to the museum is via a flat ramp that leads to the main entrance at ground level. A doorbell is available. The door will be opened by the cashier.

A disabled-accessible cloakroom/lockers are located in the entrance area.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.

The door widths throughout the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Folding stools (30) are available on request.

Guided tours in simple language as well as tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered.

Tactile objects are available upon request.

Special offers such as "I`ll give you a moment" are being developed for people with dementia. Workshops are held on request. Information on art mediation: Tel.: 0234 - 910 4225, Email: kunstvermittlung@bochum.de.

The cafeteria in the entrance area is barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
Access is via a flat ramp leading to the main entrance at ground level. There is a doorbell here. The door will be opened by the cashier. The door widths throughout the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
The 1st and 2nd floor of the museum can be reached via a central ramp or by elevator. The elevator is operated by the staff. The door widths throughout the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
The cafeteria in the entrance area is barrier-free.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered. Tactile objects are available upon request.
Guided tours are offered in plain language.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Folding stools (30) are available on request.

Guided tours are offered in plain language and for the blind/visually impaired.

Tactile objects are available upon request. Special offers such as "I`ll give you a moment" are being developed for people with dementia. Workshops are held on request. Information on art mediation: Tel.: 0234 - 910 4225, Email: kunstvermittlung@bochum.de.

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Kunstmuseum Bochum

Museum unter Tage – MuT
Mi-Fr 14-18 Uhr, Sa/So 12-18 Uhr
Nevelstr. 29c, 44795 Bochum

The MuT underground museum was opened in November 2015 and built underground on the main axis of the Schloßpark Haus Weitmar in a way that protects the landscape. A third (approx. 500 m2) of the exhibition space is used for temporary exhibitions.

There are 4 disabled parking spaces available. These are located in the hotel`s own car park on Schloßstrasse (turn right onto Schloßstrasse at the Blankensteiner Straße stop). From there it is about a 5-minute walk through the park to the underground museum building.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. The main entrance opens at the push of a button. The exhibition level can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator. The door widths are suitable for wheelchair users. The bistro is barrier-free accessible via a ramp.

Disabled-accessible restrooms are available.

Disabled-accessible cloakroom/lockers are available.

Audio guides (MP3) are available. Folding stools can be borrowed.

Workshops are offered for different target groups.

Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered.

Guided tours are offered in plain language.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces available. These are located in the car park on Schlossstrasse
(Turn right into Schlossstrasse at the Blankensteiner Strasse stop). From there it is about a 5-minute walk through the park to the building of the underground museum.
Access to the building is at ground level and stepless. The main entrance opens at the touch of a button.
The exhibition level is accessible via a wheelchair accessible elevator. The door widths are suitable for wheelchair users.
Disabled-accessible restrooms are available. Disabled-accessible cloakroom/lockers are available.
Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered.
The bistro is barrier-free accessible via a ramp.
Audioguides are available.
Guided tours are offered in easy language.
Assistance Dogs are allowed.
Folding stools can be borrowed.

Zu den aktuellen Ausstellungen Museum unter Tage – MuT