siehe Website Helmholtzstraße 6-8 , 50825 Köln 0179-9158271
68elf show further information
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Akademie der Künste der Welt show further information
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Alte Feuerwache show further information
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Altes Pfandhaus GmbH show further information
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ART COLOGNE show further information
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artothek - Raum für junge Kunst show further information
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BBK Köln e.V.
Mo,Mi,Do,Fr 10-13/14-17, Di 10-13/14-19 h Frankenwerft 35, 50667 Köln 0221-2582113
BBK Köln e.V. show further information
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Bruch & Dallas
Fr-Sa 16-19 h u.n.V. Ebertplatzpassage, 50668 Köln 0178-5419861
Bruch & Dallas show further information
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photografie show further information
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EXPONATEC COLOGNE show further information
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Forum für Fotografie show further information
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So 16-18 h u.n.V. Herderstr. 88, 50935 Köln 0221-432578
Fotoraum show further information
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Luxemburgerstr. 200, 50937 Köln 0177-7074298
FRISCHZELLE show further information
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FUHRWERKSWAAGE Kunstraum show further information
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Galerie Arbeiterfotografie show further information
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Galerie Johnen + Schöttle show further information
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Galerie Lichtblick show further information
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Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer show further information
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Galerie Monika Sprüth / Philomene Magers show further information
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Galerie Phoenix
Di + Do 18-20 Uhr, Sa 16-19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung Industriestr. 170, 50999 Köln 02236-3289818
Galerie Phoenix show further information
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Galerie Ulrich Fiedler show further information
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Gargonza Arts Award show further information
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Lindenthalgürtel 105, 50935 Köln 0221-433349
GEDOK Köln show further information
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Do/Fr 16-19, Sa 14-18 h u.n.V. Filzengraben 2a, 50676 Köln 0221-20189213
Glasmoog show further information
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Mo-Fr 6-13/15-22, Sa+So 10-18 h Trankgasse 20, 50667 Köln 0221-1206091
GULLIVER show further information
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Halle 15
Deutz-Mülheimerstr. 216, 51063 Köln 0221-3027815
Halle 15 show further information
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Halle der vollständigen Wahrheit show further information
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Halle Zehn / CAP Cologne e.V. show further information
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HerderRaumFürKunst show further information
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Hoi Offraum
siehe website Luxemburger Strasse 251, 50939 Köln 02213556092
Hoi Offraum show further information
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Do-Sa 12-18 h u.n.V. an der Schanz 1a, 50735 Köln 0221-16999330
Honigbrot show further information
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So 15-18 h u.n.V. Elsa-Brändström-Str. 6, 50668 Köln 0221-725105
IGNIS e.V. show further information
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Imhoff Stiftung show further information
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Interkulturelle Kunstförderung show further information
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JAGLA Ausstellungsraum show further information
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Jan Kaps
Do-So 15-19 h Jülicher Strasse 24a, 50674 Köln 0221-82820212
Jan Kaps show further information
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Jugend-Kunstschule Rodenkirchen e.V. show further information
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Jugendkunstschule Köln e.V. show further information
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Junge Graphik show further information
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junge kunst freunde show further information
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Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50676 Köln 0221-22123620
JuniorMuseum show further information
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Öffnungszeiten siehe Website Rolshoverstr. 97, 51105 Köln 0221-831757
kampstogether show further information
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Mo-Do 10-13 , 14-10 h, Fr 10-13 h Hamburger Straße 17, 50668 Köln 0221-1390551
KIK show further information
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KIK - Kunst in Köln show further information
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Kirchengemeinde St.Agnes Köln show further information
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kjubh Kunstverein e.V. show further information
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Kölner Graphikwerkstatt e.V. show further information
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Kulturamt der Stadt Köln show further information
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Kulturbunker Mülheim e.V. show further information
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Kulturforum in Herz Jesu e.V. show further information
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Kulturrat NRW e.V. show further information
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Kultursalon und Galerie Freiraum e.V. show further information
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Laurenzplatz 1-3, 50667 Köln 0221-22125787
Kulturscan show further information
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kunst im carrée show further information
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Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln show further information
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Kunstforum St. Clemes show further information
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täglich 10 - 24 h Aachener Strasse 28, 50674 Köln 0221-1395577
Kunstgruppe show further information
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Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM) show further information
Information about the KHM is available in simple language and in sign language on the website of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne KHM.
Information on the accessibility of the KHM campus is available from the student office / student advisory service, Peter-Welter-Platz 2, 50676 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 20189 - 119 / 187 / 249
Email:, opening times:
Monday + Tuesday from 10 - 13 Thursday from 10 - 13 + 14 - 16
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Künstlerhaus "Alte Lederfabrik" show further information
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Künstlerhaus Flitt.Art show further information
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Künstlermuseum Beckers / Böll show further information
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Kunstmeile Süd show further information
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Kunstpreis Schlosspark show further information
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Kunstraum 57 show further information
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Kunstraum BA Cologne show further information
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Kunstraum K5
bei Ausstellungen So 14-19 h u.n.V. Trierer Strasse 5, 50676 Köln 0221-9235955
Kunstraum K5 show further information
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Kunstraum Renée Blume show further information
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Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung show further information
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Kunstroute Ehrenfeld show further information
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KunstSalon e.V. show further information
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Kunsttreff Faulturm show further information
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Kunstverein Kirschenpflücker e.V. show further information
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Kunstverein Koelnberg e.V. show further information
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während der Bürozeiten Gereonswall 75, 50670 Köln 0221-914020
KYOTOBAR show further information
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Laden 102
Do 15- 18 h u.n.V. Gottesweg 102, 50939 Köln 0172-1092526
Laden 102 show further information
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LebensArt-Stiftung show further information
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Wissmannstr. 30, 50823 Köln 0221-9521555
LOFT show further information
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Do-Sa 16-19, So 13-15 h Martin Luther-Platz 2-4, 50677 Köln 0221-384463
Lutherkirche show further information
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Maternushaus show further information
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Matjö - Raum für Kunst show further information
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mes amis mes amies
Di-So 16.30 - 19.30 h bei Ausstellungen Metzer Str. 20, 50677 Köln 0151-20442153
mes amis mes amies show further information
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Moltkerei Werkstatt show further information
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Museum für verwandte Kunst show further information
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Mo - So 10-19, Fei/Sa 11-18 h Niederichstr. 38, 50668 Köln 0221-99062931
MUSEUM SIMON12 show further information
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Museum Zündorfer Wehrturm show further information
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Museumsdienst Köln
Buchung Di-Mi 9-12, 14-15.30, Do 9-12, 14-17, Fr 9-12 h Leonhard-Tietz-Str. 10, 50676 Köln 0221-22124764
Museumsdienst Köln show further information
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Museumsdienst Köln
Di-Mi 9-13, 14-15.30 , Do 9-13, 14-17, Fr 9-13 h Leonhard-Tietz-Str. 10, 50676 Köln 0221-22124764
Museumsdienst Köln show further information
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neues kunstforum show further information
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Hornstr. 85, 50823 Köln 0221-9727009
Odonien show further information
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Offene Ateliers Köln show further information
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Opekta Ateliers Köln show further information
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PiK - Projektraum im KunstWerk show further information
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Quartier am Hafen
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website Poller Kirchweg 78-90, 51105 Köln 0211-80111940
Quartier am Hafen show further information
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Raum für Kunst und Musik e.V. show further information
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siehe Website Steprathstr. 18, 51103 Köln
RAUMKALK show further information
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RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur show further information
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Rhenania Kunstpreis show further information
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Robodonien show further information
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ROMPONE artspace show further information
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Sammlung Kasimir Hagen show further information
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Séparée des Arts show further information
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Schlosspark Stammheim show further information
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bei Ausstellungen Sa/So 14-18 h u.n.V. Volkhovener Weg 209-211, 50765 Köln 0221-91249035
Simultanhalle show further information
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SK Stiftung Kultur der Sparkasse KölnBonn show further information
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Skulptur Draussen show further information
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Skulpturenpark Köln show further information
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Do-Fr 15-18, Sa 12-15 h Albertusstraße 4, 50667 Köln 01577-1733752
SPRUNGTURM show further information
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SSZ Sued
Fr-Sa 14-18 h u.n.V. Otto-Fischer-Straße 5, 50674 Köln 0221-34669969
SSZ Sued show further information
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St. Maternus show further information
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Rochusstr. 100, 50827 Köln 0221-9561818
St.Rochus show further information
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Stadtbibliothek Köln
Di, Do 10-20, Mo, Mi, Fr 10-18, Sa 10-15 h Josef-Haubrich-Hof 1, 50676 Köln 0221-22127729
Stadtbibliothek Köln show further information
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Mi 15-18, Sa 11-15 h u.n.V. Gereonswall 5c, 50668 Köln 0151-55641731
studioholterhoff show further information
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Südkunst e.V. show further information
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Wißmannstr. 30, 50823 Köln 0176-43027824
SUSI show further information
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Temporary Gallery
Do+Fr 14-18, Sa+So 13-17 h Mauritiuswall 35, 50676 Köln 0221-30234466
Temporary Gallery show further information
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Trinitatiskirche show further information
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Trübenbach Galerie
Di+Mi 11-14, Do+Fr 12-17, Sa 12-13 u.n.V. Rathenauplatz 24, 50674 Köln 0221-80158980
Trübenbach Galerie show further information
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Ultimate Akademie show further information
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Villa Aurora Stipendium show further information
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von cirne
Do 14-18, Fr 12-18, Sa 12-16 h Lütticher Strasse 8, 50674 Köln 0221-27728747
von cirne show further information
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Vorgebirgspark Skulptur show further information
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Boltensternstraße 16, 50735 Köln 0221-5743434
Waagehaus show further information
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Fr/Sa 14-18 h u.n.V. Albertusstr. 4, 50667 Köln 0221-20465917
ZERO FOLD show further information
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Zünndorfer Wehrturm show further information
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