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EXHIBITIONS in rhineland

Im Film-Still Metmorphosis schlüpft aus einem grünen Kokon der an einem grünen Blattstengel hängt gerade ein bräunlicher Schmetterling aus Im Hintergrund sieht man ein dichtes Wolkenmeer und einen rosablauen Himmelsstreifen mit einem kleinen Sonnenpunkt
Im Film-Still Metmorphosis schlüpft aus einem grünen Kokon der an einem grünen Blattstengel hängt gerade ein bräunlicher Schmetterling aus Im Hintergrund sieht man ein dichtes Wolkenmeer und einen rosablauen Himmelsstreifen mit einem kleinen Sonnenpunkt

The Institute of Queer Ecology im Dialog mit Joseph Beuys
23.06.2024 - 09.03.2025
Museum Schloss Moyland
Di-So 11-17 h
Am Schloss 4, 47551 Bedburg-Hau

The Moyland Castle Museum was founded in 1997 with the former Private collection of the brothers Hans and Franz Joseph van der Grinten with works from the 19th and 20th centuries, including the world`s largest collection of works by the artist Joseph Beuys, opened with the Joseph Beuys Archive and the museum library. The historic castle ensemble in the middle of the extensive gardens is a special attraction.

There are 2 signposted disabled parking spaces in front of the entrance to the museum by the ticket office. Access to the main building for wheelchair users is via a wheelchair elevator accessible from the outside. A bell is available.

All museum areas except for the north tower are barrier-free, the door widths in all museum areas are suitable for wheelchairs.

The height of the exhibits is appropriate for wheelchair users

1 disabled toilet is in the main building (castle), 1 disabled toilet is in the museum café (forecastle).

The museum café in the fore castle is barrier-free.

Folding stools, wheelchairs and magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Guided tours in simple language and for people with dementia diseases as well as workshops for different target groups are offered.

Accompanying persons have free entry to the museum.
Access to the main building for wheelchair users is via a wheelchair lift that is accessible from the outside at ground level.
There are 2 signposted disabled parking spaces in front of the entrance to the museum by the ticket office.

Access to the main building is via a wheelchair lift next to the staircase, which is accessible from the outside. A bell is available. The basement and upper floor can be reached by wheelchair elevator. The height of the exhibits is appropriate for wheelchair users
1 disabled toilet is in the main building (castle), 1 disabled toilet in the museum café (forecastle).
The ground-level museum café in the fore castle is barrier-free.
Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.
Guided tours for people with dementia changes as well as workshops for different target groups are offered.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops for different target groups are offered on request and according to individual needs. There are guided tours for people with dementia.

Aus der Vogelperspektive sehen wir ein kreisrundes mehrere Meter tiefes Loch im Grün des Parks mit einem Durchmesser von ca 8 Metern Die Künstlerin Marta Eknaes hat diesen Raum mit recycelten Materialien wie Lüfter-Spiralschlauch Beton-Abwasserschächte PVCAbwasserschlauch IBC-Wassertank PVC-Abwasserrohr Holzpaletten usw zu einer begehbaren Installation mit dem Titel Insides verwandelt die zugleich wie ein Farbkomposition wirkt
Aus der Vogelperspektive sehen wir ein kreisrundes mehrere Meter tiefes Loch im Grün des Parks mit einem Durchmesser von ca 8 Metern Die Künstlerin Marta Eknaes hat diesen Raum mit recycelten Materialien wie Lüfter-Spiralschlauch Beton-Abwasserschächte PVCAbwasserschlauch IBC-Wassertank PVC-Abwasserrohr Holzpaletten usw zu einer begehbaren Installation mit dem Titel Insides verwandelt die zugleich wie ein Farbkomposition wirkt

KölnSkulptur #11 – Body Manoeuvres23.06.2024 - 01.06.2026
Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln
April-Sept. tägl. 10.30-19h, Okt.-März tägl. 10.30-17h
Elsa-Brändström-Str. 9, 50668 Köln

The Cologne Sculpture exhibition series, designed as a biennial, has been presenting new trends in contemporary sculpture since 1997 in the publicly accessible park between the banks of the Rhine and the zoo in the inner green belt of Cologne's northern city. The designed nature and the sculptures and architectures permanently installed in the park form the background for the 11th edition of Cologne Sculpture, which positions itself in the field of tension between the monumental and the ephemeral. Under the heading "Body Manoeuvres", important developments in contemporary art are examined. Globally relevant topics such as technological developments in the field of artificial intelligence, the effects of climate change, the current challenges that democratic institutions are increasingly facing, or the emergence of new economies are encountered by visitors in the works of eight contemporary artists that were created especially for the current edition of Cologne Sculpture. In different ways, they reflect and formulate approaches to ideas about art, nature and the future in a time of global uncertainty and crisis.

Artists of KölnSkulptur #11: Olga Balema, Marte Eknæs, Julian Göthe, Judith Hopf, Paulina Olowska, Georgia Sagri, Frances Scholz, Peter Wächtler. In addition to the new works by these artists, 36 works by James Lee Byars, Fischli/weiss, Anish Kapoor, Ulrich Rückriem, Thomas Schütte, Rosemarie Trockel and Bernar Venet, among others, can be viewed on a tour. An overview plan can be downloaded from the website.

Fig.: Marte Eknæs, Insides, 2024. Courtesy of the artist © Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln, 2024, Photo: Mareike Tocha

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Miquel Barcelàs querformatiges Gemälde Sin Titulo aus dem Jahre 2021 zeigt ein Fantasie-Tier das aus einzelnen Objekten wie Blumenvasen und Früchten aus Tieren und abstrakten Formen zusammengesetzt ist Das in hellen und dunklen Grautönen gemalte Mischwesen erinnert an einen Stier und ist zentral und raumfüllend vor einen gelben Hintergrund gesetzt bei dem die Laufspuren der dünnen Farbe die einzige Struktur bilden
Miquel Barcelàs querformatiges Gemälde Sin Titulo aus dem Jahre 2021 zeigt ein Fantasie-Tier das aus einzelnen Objekten wie Blumenvasen und Früchten aus Tieren und abstrakten Formen zusammengesetzt ist Das in hellen und dunklen Grautönen gemalte Mischwesen erinnert an einen Stier und ist zentral und raumfüllend vor einen gelben Hintergrund gesetzt bei dem die Laufspuren der dünnen Farbe die einzige Struktur bilden

Miquel Barceló – Vida y Muerte28.09.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 27.09.2024 19 Uhr
MKM Museum Küppersmühle
Mi 14-18, Do/Fr/Sa/So/Fei 11-18 h
Philosophenweg 55, 47051 Duisburg

The Küppersmühle Museum was opened in 1999 with around 3,600 square meters of exhibition space and is located in a former granary in Duisburg`s inner harbor, which was converted according to plans by Basel architects Herzog & de Meuron. Opposite the museum there are 3 designated public disabled parking spaces in the shoulder of the Philosophenweg.

Access to the building is at ground level via a paved forecourt. Directly next to the main entrance (revolving door) there is another door in the glass front, which is opened by the staff.

In the entrance area behind the cash desk there is a freely accessible and disabled-friendly cloakroom.

The handicapped-accessible sanitary rooms are located in the subsequent connecting corridor to the restaurant, which is also barrier-free.

All levels of the museum can be reached with the barrier-free elevator.

All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Wheelchairs are available for hire.
Opposite the museum there are 3 designated public disabled parking spaces in the shoulder of the Philosophenweg.
Access to the building is at ground level via a paved forecourt. Directly next to the main entrance (revolving door) there is another door in the glass front, which is opened by the staff.
In the connecting corridor between the cash register and the restaurant (ground floor)
the handicapped-accessible sanitary rooms are on the ground floor.
All levels of the museum can be reached with the barrier-free elevator. All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
The restaurant is barrier-free accessible from the foyer via a ground-level connecting corridor.

In a large solo exhibition with key works from all creative phases, the Küppersmühle Museum is honoring the work of Miquel Barceló, one of the most internationally renowned Spanish artists. Miquel Barceló (*1957 in Felanitx, Mallorca) is known for his diverse works, which range from large-format paintings, ceramics and bronze sculptures to numerous sketchbooks and book illustrations. The MKM is showing the artist's first large-scale solo exhibition in Germany with around 70 paintings from all creative periods and a selection of ceramics, as well as a cabinet with sketches, designs for major projects and objects from the artist's collection - a fascinating insight into the visual world of one of the great painters of our time.

Fig.: Miquel Barceló, Sin Título (Untitled), 2021, mixed media on canvas, 201 x 300 x 4 cm, property of the artist, © Miquel Barceló / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, photo © David Bonet

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Die Arbeit How to hypnopomp von Tatiana Heumann zeigt eine auisgestreckte weibliche Figur die ca 50 cm über einem weissen Bett schwebt Den Hintergrund der Szenerie bildet eine monochrome Fläche in blassem Mauve Das cremefarbene Bettlaken und der Unterkörper der schwebenden Figur sind von gleissendem Licht angstrahlt
Die Arbeit How to hypnopomp von Tatiana Heumann zeigt eine auisgestreckte weibliche Figur die ca 50 cm über einem weissen Bett schwebt Den Hintergrund der Szenerie bildet eine monochrome Fläche in blassem Mauve Das cremefarbene Bettlaken und der Unterkörper der schwebenden Figur sind von gleissendem Licht angstrahlt

KHM Förderpreis: Tatiana Heuman11.10.2024 - 16.03.2025
Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen
Di 11-21, Mi-So 11-17 h
Gustav-Heinemann-Str. 80, 51377 Leverkusen

In January 1951, the Museum Morsbroich was opened as the first newly founded museum for contemporary art in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is housed in the historic building of Morsbroich Castle, a former Commandery of the Teutonic Order.

There are 3 disabled parking spaces available. Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.

A disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.

Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available.

Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is 1 disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564
There are 3 disabled parking spaces available.
Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
Guided tours in plain language are organized on request.
Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de
The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is a disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564.
Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available. Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

This year's KHM award for artists (FLINTA*) goes to the Argentinian artist Tatiana Heuman. The award, which is sponsored by the equal opportunities program of the Cologne Academy of Media Arts (KHM), is linked to a presentation at the Museum Morsbroich.

Tatiana Heuman (*1991 in Buenos Aires/Argentina, lives in Berlin) works in an interdisciplinary manner in the areas of sound, media art and somatic movement research. Her artistic work is about creating spaces that promote mutual care, deep listening and collective relaxation. Tatiana Heuman will develop two new audiovisual works for the presentation at the Museum Morsbroich.

After several studies and training courses in Argentina and Spain (including choreographic composition, percussion, Deep Listening®, psychoexpressive therapies and therapeutic arts), Tatiana Heuman studied Media Arts at the KHM from 2019 to 2023 and successfully completed her studies with a master's degree in 2023.

Fig.: Tatiana Heuman, How to hypnopomp?, 2021 © Tatiana Heuman

Ewald MatarÃs Bronzeskulptur Grasende Kuh I aus dem Jahre 1930 hat die MaÃe 11x21 cm und zeigt einen stark reduzierten Tierkörper Die Kuh hat ausgeprägte Hörner aber alle Details wie Augen Schwanz oder Hufe etc sind in der geglättenen Plastik nicht zu erkennen Das ruhig stehende Tier ist auf einer dünnen glatten Plinthe platziert
Ewald MatarÃs Bronzeskulptur Grasende Kuh I aus dem Jahre 1930 hat die MaÃe 11x21 cm und zeigt einen stark reduzierten Tierkörper Die Kuh hat ausgeprägte Hörner aber alle Details wie Augen Schwanz oder Hufe etc sind in der geglättenen Plastik nicht zu erkennen Das ruhig stehende Tier ist auf einer dünnen glatten Plinthe platziert

Ewald Mataré: KOSMOS27.10.2024 - 09.03.2025
Museum Kurhaus Kleve
Di-So 11-17 Uhr
Tiergartenstr. 41, 47533 Kleve

The Museum Kurhaus Kleve is housed in a long, three-part ensemble of former spa buildings from the 19th century. Access for wheelchair users is level and stepless via a side entrance. There is also a parking space here. (Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41, coming from Kleve, turn left before the pedestrian lights, part of the Beuys-Atelier building).

Disabled lockers are available in the entrance area.

1 disabled toilet is located in the cash desk area in the basement and can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

1 disabled toilet is located in the Beuys-Atelier part of the building in the basement and can also be reached barrier-free by elevator.

Folding stools and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions.

Guided tours in simple language and workshops for different target groups are offered.

A listening carpet is used at openings.

The Café Moritz on the 1st floor can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.
There is parking near the barrier-free side entrance. Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41 from the direction of Kleve turn left before the pedestrian traffic light (part of the Beuys-Atelier building)
Access for wheelchair users is level and stepless via a side entrance. There is also a parking space here. (Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41 coming from Kleve, turn left at the pedestrian traffic lights, part of the Beuys-Atelier building).
1 disabled toilet is located in the checkout area in the basement and can be reached by elevator without barriers. 1 wheelchair-accessible toilet is located in the Beuys-Atelier part of the building in the basement and can also be reached barrier-free by elevator.
There are two barrier-free elevators that can be used to reach all levels of the museum and Café Moritz.
The lift provides barrier-free access to Cafe Moritz on the 1st floor.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
A listening carpet is used at openings.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions.
Folding stools and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions. Guided tours in simple language and workshops for different target groups are offered.

With a comprehensive retrospective, the Museum Kurhaus Kleve is showing the largest exhibition to date on the life and work of the painter, graphic artist and sculptor Ewald Mataré (Aachen 1887–1965 Meerbusch-Büderich), who is one of the most important artistic personalities of the first half of the 20th century in Germany. His depictions of animals, in which the cow plays a central role, occupy a unique place in German art of the 20th century. For the exhibition, Mataré's studio will be reconstructed using the original furnishings, which are now in Kleve - in counterpoint to the studio of his student Joseph Beuys, which was already reconstructed in the Kurhaus Kleve in 2012. Using a completely new exhibition route, visitors will be taken on a journey through time to the stations on Mataré's journey. Monumental themed rooms will present works of art alongside archive material and originals alongside plaster models and design drawings. They will, among other things, refer to Mataré's life themes (animals, landscape, nature) and, through the integration of sophisticated exhibition architecture and new media, appeal to children, young people and adults alike.

Fig.: Ewald Mataré, Grazing Cow I., 1930, bronze, Museum Kurhaus Kleve - Ewald Mataré Collection; permanent loan from the Friends of the Museum Kurhaus and Koekkoek-Haus Kleve e.V. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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Die Farbserigrafie des britischen Konzeptkünstlers Robin Page mit dem Tiotel There Are Those Who Eat Apples and Those Who Climb Them aus dem Jahre 1974 zeigt einen einzelnen gelben Apfel auf hellgelbem Grund aus dem ein talförmiges Stück herausgebissen wurde Die Bisskonturen sind in Kugelschreiberblau gezeichnet
Die Farbserigrafie des britischen Konzeptkünstlers Robin Page mit dem Tiotel There Are Those Who Eat Apples and Those Who Climb Them aus dem Jahre 1974 zeigt einen einzelnen gelben Apfel auf hellgelbem Grund aus dem ein talförmiges Stück herausgebissen wurde Die Bisskonturen sind in Kugelschreiberblau gezeichnet

Sammlung/Archiv Andersch: Feldversuch #4: Köpcke – Roth 21.11.2024 - 05.10.2025
Vernissage: 21.11.2024 17-20:30 Uhr
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg
Di-So 11-18 h
Abteistraße 27, 41061 Mönchengladbach

The Museum Abteiberg, designed by Hans Hollein, is one of the internationally renowned museum buildings and was inaugurated in 1982. In 1985 it received the "Pritzker Award". The building complex is adapted to an extreme hillside and extends over three levels.

1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistraße 27. Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance.

A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. A cloakroom supervised by staff is located in the cash desk area.

With the exception of the pyramid room, all levels of the museum (entrance level, slab level, garden level) can be reached barrier-free via the elevator (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm) and flat ramps. All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Folding stools (30) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries to Uwe Riedel on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistrasse 27.
Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance
A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level (basement) and can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
The three levels of the museum, entrance level (EG), plate level (OG) and garden level (UG) can be reached barrier-free with the lift. (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm). The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
Guided tours are offered in easy language.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered.
Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.
Audio guides (25) are available. Folding stools (30) can be borrowed.

1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

COLLECTION/ARCHIVE ANDERSCH consists of works of art, a small library and diverse archival materials on over 50 artists from the wider Fluxus environment and is based on the collection of Dorothee and Erik Andersch (both 1940 - 2021). The collecting couple was an important part of the Rhenish Fluxus network of the 1960s and 1970s and maintained intensive friendly relationships with the artists represented in their collection. From the mid-1960s onwards, the special needs teacher Erik Andersch got to know many artists from the Rhenish art scene and subsequently also from the international Fluxus environment. As director of the Regenbogen student residence in Düsseldorf, he offered accommodation to some of them, including George Brecht and Robert Filliou as well as Nam June Paik, Robin Page and Takako Saito, and close friendships developed. On this personal basis, a collection was created from 1968 onwards that broadly defines the concept of Fluxus and also includes, for example, Dieter Roth, who was only loosely connected to Fluxus.

The Abteiberg Museum acquired the extensive collection in 2017. In the long term, the collection is to become a point of contact for research into Fluxus and the art of the 1960s and 1970s in the form of a display magazine. In preparation for this, the five-part exhibition series of field experiments serves to inventory the extensive collection piece by piece, research it and present it to the public. Field experiment #4: Køpcke – In addition to works and documents by Arthur Køpcke and Dieter Roth, Roth also looks at Shigeko Kubota, George Maciunas, Yoko Ono, Robin Page and Benjamin Patterson, among others.

Fig. Robin Page, There Are Those Who Eat Apples and Those Who Climb Them, 1974, ANDERSCH COLLECTION/ARCHIVE, photo: Ludwig Kuffer

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Walter Pichlers Arbeit Alte Figur von 1960-63 besteht aus drei hellbraunen Matratzensegmenten und einem darüberliegenden flachen Schaumstoffelement das mit einem weiÃem Leintuch bedeckt ist Am Ende dieser direkt auf dem Boden liegenden Bettstatt ist eine schmale stark reduzierte stehlenartige Figur aus Zinn positioniert Die Installation ist vor weiÃem Hintergrund fotografiert
Walter Pichlers Arbeit Alte Figur von 1960-63 besteht aus drei hellbraunen Matratzensegmenten und einem darüberliegenden flachen Schaumstoffelement das mit einem weiÃem Leintuch bedeckt ist Am Ende dieser direkt auf dem Boden liegenden Bettstatt ist eine schmale stark reduzierte stehlenartige Figur aus Zinn positioniert Die Installation ist vor weiÃem Hintergrund fotografiert

Visionäre Räume. Walter Pichler trifft Friedrich Kiesler in einem Display von raumlaborberlin22.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
Kaiser Wilhelm Museum
Di-So 11-17 h
Joseph Beuys-Platz 1, 47798 Krefeld

The renovated Kaiser Wilhelm Museum was reopened in July 2016 and is barrier-free.

Two public disabled parking spaces can be used on the north side of the museum (Joseph-Beuys-Platz).

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless.
A door opener is available.

A floor guidance system in the foyer facilitates orientation.
A disabled cloakroom is available.
The sanitary areas with 2 disabled toilets are accessible from the foyer at ground level.

1 wheelchair and folding stool can be borrowed.

Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.

Guided tours and workshops are held on request for the blind/visually impaired.

Guided tours in plain language and sign language are available on request.

The museum café is at ground level and barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
Two public disabled parking spaces can be used on the north side of the museum. (Street: Joseph-Beuys-Platz)
Alle Filter


Ungefähr 31.900.000 Ergebnisse (0,35 Sekunden)

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. A door opener is available.
All floors and exhibition rooms of the museum can be reached by wheelchair without outside help via lifts and ramps.
The sanitary areas are accessible from the foyer at ground level. There are 2 disabled toilets available.
A floor guidance system in the foyer facilitates orientation.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Workshops for the blind are offered.

Tactile objects are available.
Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
The museum café is at ground level and barrier-free.
1 wheelchair and folding stool can be borrowed.

Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.

Guided tours and workshops are held on request for the blind/visually impaired.

Guided tours in plain language and sign language are available on request.

Alina Grasmanns Ãlgemälde Als die Bäume noch grünten im Querformat 160-210 cm zeigt den Blick aus einem modernen Wohnhaus mit groÃen Glasflächen in eine sommerliche Gartenlandschaft mit Bäumen
Alina Grasmanns Ãlgemälde Als die Bäume noch grünten im Querformat 160-210 cm zeigt den Blick aus einem modernen Wohnhaus mit groÃen Glasflächen in eine sommerliche Gartenlandschaft mit Bäumen

Alina Grasmann02.05.2025 - 25.05.2025
Vernissage: 02.05.2025 19 Uhr
Brühler Kunstverein
Mi-So 15-17 h während der Ausstellungen
Clemens-August-Straße 24, 50321 Brühl

In her exhibition "The Planet on the Table", Alina Grasmann presents large-format paintings. The works unfold spaces that are based on real places and at the same time explore the imaginary and subjective. The exhibition immerses visitors in a world between reality and fiction. In her works, Grasmann combines special, often iconic architecture with fictional elements and questions how we perceive reality and how it is shaped by memories, time and personal associations. The paintings resemble stage sets without a plot, in which time seems to stand still and different levels of past, present and future flow together in a single moment. Through symbolic motifs and subtle alienation, Alina Grasmann creates new spaces that invite you to develop your own associations and stories.

At the opening on May 2, 2025, Dr. Achim Sommer, former director of the Max Ernst Museum Brühl, will give an introduction.

Finissage with artist talk: Sun, May 25, 2025 at 3 p.m.

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Neue Welten – Die Entdeckung der Sammlung21.06.2019 - 30.06.2026
Museum Folkwang
Di-So 10-18, Do/Fr 10-20 h
Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen

In May 1960, the first new Folkwang building was opened after the Second World War: the so-called old building, which is now a listed building. In the old building, the museum shows the masterpieces of the 19th and 20th centuries. The new building designed by David Chipperfield was inaugurated in 2010 as the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010. Here are the exhibition areas - the collection 20./21. Century, photography, poster, graphics and special exhibitions - as well as library and reading room, multifunctional hall for lectures and events, depots and restoration workshops.

There are 4 disabled parking spaces available in the underground car park of the new building.
There is a lift in the underground car park, and the control panels are also barrier-free.

The main entrance can also be reached barrier-free via a flat ramp. There is also an elevator that can be called from outside. The control panel is placed barrier-free. All levels of the museum are barrier-free.

The door widths in the old building are suitable for wheelchairs.

Door openers are installed throughout the new building.

A staffed cloakroom is located in the foyer.

There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet is in the old building near the museum café, in the new building there is 1 toilet near the Hirschlandsaal and 2 toilets near the cloakroom.

The museum café in the old building and the Vincent & Paul restaurant in the new building are barrier-free.

Magnifying glasses and folding stools (100) can be borrowed. A limited number of wheelchairs are also available.

A free app with texts and audio files is available for the permanent collection and the major special exhibitions.

Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions. Inquiries about guided tours and workshops via the visitor office on Tel.: 0201-8845444, Email: info@museum-folkwang.essen.de.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Four disabled parking spaces are available in the underground car park of the new Museum Folkwang. The entrance to the museum and visiting the exhibition is barrier-free from here.
The main entrance can be reached barrier-free via a flat ramp. There is also an elevator that can be called from outside. The control panel is placed barrier-free.
Barrier-free elevators are available, the elevator control panels are barrier-free. All levels of the museum are barrier-free.
There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet is in the old building near the museum café, in the new building there is 1 toilet near the Hirschlandsaal and 2 toilets near the cloakroom.
Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions.
A free app with texts and audio files is available for the permanent collection and the major special exhibitio
Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.
The museum website can be accessed in plain language.

Guided tours in plain language are offered regularly.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The Streiflichter – guided tours for people with dementia take place once a quarter.
Magnifying glasses and folding stools (100) can be borrowed. A limited number of wheelchairs are also available.

Guided tours in sign language and plain language are offered regularly.

Audio guides are available for the permanent collection. Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions. Inquiries about guided tours and workshops via the visitor office on Tel.: 0201-8845444, Email: info@museum-folkwang.essen.de.
The edda restaurant in the new building is barrier-free.

Römisch-Germanisches Museum im Belgischen Haus
Das RGM im Belgischen Haus, Cäcilienstraße 46
15.11.2019 - 30.06.2025
Römisch-Germanisches Museum
Di-So 10-17, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Roncalliplatz 4, 50667 Köln

The Roman-Germanic Museum on Roncalliplatz is closed for renovation work. A branch is currently located in the Belgisches Haus (Cäcilienstraße 46 - near Neumarkt).

Aufbruch in die Moderne
Sammlungspräsentation August Macke und die Rheinischen Expressionisten
27.06.2021 - 31.08.2025
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Di-So 11-18, Mi 11-21 h
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2, 53113 Bonn

The Kunstmuseum Bonn has been housed in a building since 1982 that can be described as an architectural highlight and offers the best conditions for the presentation of art. The building by Axel Schultes impresses from the outside and inside with its openness and lighting. There is a connection to the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Museumsplatz.

There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets Friedrich-Ebert-Allee and Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor. Access to the museum building is at ground level and stepless through barrier-free doors next to the two main entrances (revolving doors) to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station.

All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm). Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.

The museum café is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.

2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments.

The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language can be booked on request. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor.
Level, stepless access through barrier-free doors next to the revolving doors to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station (main entrances).
All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm).
Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.
The museum cafe is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired can be booked on request.
Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request.
2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments. The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de
An assistance dog is allowed.

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Medien erleben
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Internationales Zeitungsmuseum IZM
Di-So 10-18 h
Pontstr. 13, 52062 Aachen

The IZM has been housed in the historic "Great House of Aachen" (1495) since 1931. It is located in the pedestrian zone and therefore does not have its own disabled parking space. On the museum`s website, however, a city map with all disabled parking spaces in the area can be called up (PDF).
The museum is located in the pedestrian zone and therefore does not have its own disabled parking space. However, a city map with all disabled parking spaces in the area (PDF) can be called up on the museum`s website.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The museum is accessible at ground level and without steps. In the entrance area there is a wheelchair-accessible elevator. The elevator takes you to the 1 meter higher exhibition level with the checkout area. From here you can reach the Café Kaffesatz and the disabled toilet without barriers.
With the lift, which is suitable for wheelchairs, you can reach the 1 meter higher exhibition level from the entrance area with the cash register area, disabled toilet facilities, museum shop and the Café Kaffesatz. The library and the permanent exhibition on the upper floor can also be reached by elevator.
A disabled toilet is located on the lower exhibition level.
The Café Kaffesatz is barrier-free accessible from the checkout area.
Infopoints with audio guides are installed in every room of the permanent exhibition for people with visual impairments.
Infopoints with audio guides are installed in every room of the permanent exhibition for people with visual impairments.

Die Familie Begas – Eine Dynastie erleben
Dauerausstellung mit Skulptur, Malerei und Grafik der Künstlerfamilie Begas
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Begas Haus
Di-Sa 14-17, So 11-17 h
Hochstraße 21, 52525 Heinsberg

The BEGAS HAUS presents its collections in a historic building ensemble from the 16th to 18th centuries. One focus of the barrier-free themed tour is the nation`s largest collection of paintings, sculptures and graphics by the Begas family of artists from Heinsberg, which has been active for four generations.

There are two designated disabled parking spaces directly in front of the house (Hochstrasse 20/21).

The house is conditionally barrier-free. Access to and visits to all exhibition areas is guaranteed via an elevator that can be reached from the outside and via lifting devices.

A barrier-free toilet is located in the neighboring Café Samocca.

Audio guides and magnifying glasses are available, folding chairs and folding stools can be borrowed.

Listening stations are wheelchair accessible, tables are wheelchair accessible.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are two designated disabled parking spaces directly in front of the house (Hochstrasse 20/21).
Access is level and stepless.
Guide dogs and therapy dogs are allowed.
The elevator is suitable for wheelchairs. A lift is available for transitions with steps so that access to all exhibition areas is guaranteed. The door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. The listening stations in the building can be accessed/operated by wheelchairs.
The museum café SAMOCCA is a facility of the Lebenshilfe Heinsberg e.V. and is located right next to the Begas house. Access is level and stepless. The tables are wheelchair accessible. A wheelchair-accessible toilet on the 1st floor is accessible via the terrace of the café.
Es werden Führungen in leichter Sprache angeboten.
Folding stools can be laid out.

Since 2019, courses and workshops for all target groups have been offered in a separate, barrier-free studio under the Kunst Aktiv label. Contact: email: kunst-aktiv@begas-haus.de, phone: +49 2452 97769-20
Audio guides are available in German and English via your own smartphone
We would be pleased if you would correct this information.
A barrier-free toilet is located in the neighboring Café Samocca.

Ideenwelten für den Schlosspark des Museums Morsbroich
12.08.2022 - 16.08.2026
Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen
Di 11-21, Mi-So 11-17 h
Gustav-Heinemann-Str. 80, 51377 Leverkusen

In January 1951, the Museum Morsbroich was opened as the first newly founded museum for contemporary art in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is housed in the historic building of Morsbroich Castle, a former Commandery of the Teutonic Order.

There are 3 disabled parking spaces available. Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.

A disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.

Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available.

Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is 1 disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564
There are 3 disabled parking spaces available.
Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
Guided tours in plain language are organized on request.
Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de
The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is a disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564.
Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available. Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

Kunst Leben Kunst. Das Museum Ostwall gestern, heute, morgen07.05.2023 - 20.09.2026
Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U
Di,Mi,Sa,So 11-18, Do/Fr 11-20 h
Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse 2, 44137 Dortmund

The Museum Ostwall (MO) is the city of Dortmund`s museum for art from the 20th and 21st centuries. For 60 years it had its headquarters "Am Ostwall", since 2010 it has been in the Dortmund U - Center for Art and Creativity.

There are seven disabled parking spaces in the multi-storey car park. Access to the building is at ground level and stepless via the main entrance. All levels of the house can be reached via the barrier-free elevator. The Ostwall Museum is located on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the building

All rooms that can be used and accessed by visitors are on the ground floor or can be reached by elevator.

There are designated wheelchair spaces in the cinema hall. These are stepless and can be reached with a maximum incline of 6%.

Guided tours for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users are offered by prior arrangement.

Disabled toilets are available on the ground floor and 5th floor. A Euro key is required for the toilets. Please report to reception.

Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are available on request. Tactile objects are available for the guided tours. An audio guide is available that can be operated independently by people with visual impairments and the blind.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

The public area in the Dortmunder U is equipped with a guidance system for the visually impaired.
There are seven disabled parking spaces in the multi-storey car park.
Access to the building is at ground level and stepless via the main entrance. The Ostwall Museum is located on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the building.
All levels of the house can be reached via the barrier-free elevator.
Disabled toilets are available on the ground floor and on the 5th floor. A Euro key is required for the toilets. Please report to reception.
The public area in the Dortmunder U is equipped with a guidance system for the visually impaired.

Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are available on request. Tactile objects are available for the guided tours.

An audio guide is available that can be operated independently by people with visual impairments and the blind.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
An audio guide is available that can be operated independently by people with visual impairments and the blind.
Information on the exhibits is partly provided in easy-to-understand language and is partly presented in photo-realistic form.

The guided tour for people with cognitive impairments is held in easy language. Pre-registration for the tour is necessary.
The guided tour for people with cognitive impairments is held in easy language. Pre-registration for the tour is necessary.

Sammlung in Bewegung
Impressionismus, Rheinischer Expressionismus, neue Bauhausmöbel und mehr
21.05.2023 - 31.12.2025
Kaiser Wilhelm Museum
Di-So 11-17 h
Joseph Beuys-Platz 1, 47798 Krefeld

The renovated Kaiser Wilhelm Museum was reopened in July 2016 and is barrier-free.

Two public disabled parking spaces can be used on the north side of the museum (Joseph-Beuys-Platz).

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless.
A door opener is available.

A floor guidance system in the foyer facilitates orientation.
A disabled cloakroom is available.
The sanitary areas with 2 disabled toilets are accessible from the foyer at ground level.

1 wheelchair and folding stool can be borrowed.

Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.

Guided tours and workshops are held on request for the blind/visually impaired.

Guided tours in plain language and sign language are available on request.

The museum café is at ground level and barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
Two public disabled parking spaces can be used on the north side of the museum. (Street: Joseph-Beuys-Platz)
Alle Filter


Ungefähr 31.900.000 Ergebnisse (0,35 Sekunden)

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. A door opener is available.
All floors and exhibition rooms of the museum can be reached by wheelchair without outside help via lifts and ramps.
The sanitary areas are accessible from the foyer at ground level. There are 2 disabled toilets available.
A floor guidance system in the foyer facilitates orientation.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Workshops for the blind are offered.

Tactile objects are available.
Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
The museum café is at ground level and barrier-free.
1 wheelchair and folding stool can be borrowed.

Hearing-impaired visitors have induction loops available for audio-based tours.

Guided tours and workshops are held on request for the blind/visually impaired.

Guided tours in plain language and sign language are available on request.

Sammlerträume. Sternstunden niederländischer Barockkunst26.05.2023 - 21.04.2025
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-21 Fei 10-18 h
Obenmarspforten, 50667 Köln

For the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, a new, separate building was erected in the historic center of the city according to plans by the Cologne architect Oswald Mathias Ungers, which was occupied in January 2001. In the same year, the Swiss entrepreneur Gérard J. Corboud and his Cologne-born wife Marisol Corboud bequeathed their extensive collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings to the Wallraf-Richartz Museum on "perpetual loan". Since then, the museum has borne the name Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud in gratitude and in honor of the donors.

There are several disabled parking spaces near the museum, the next two on Martinstrasse.

The museum has step-free access at ground level (obenmarspforten entrance, left door).

A disabled toilet is located in the foyer. The cloakroom in the foyer is barrier-free.

Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer.

Wheelchairs, folding stools, walkers and strollers can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Listening stations accessible for wheelchair users.

For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Cologne Museum Service offers guided tours for people with dementia and impaired vision upon prior notification. Tangible objects are available in the museum case.

guided tours in simple language are offered.

Audio guides for special exhibitions always with induction loops for the hearing impaired. The gastronomy in the foyer is accessible without barriers, the table height is accessible with the general wheelchair models.

Assistance dogs are allowed with prior notification.
There are several disabled parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance (Martinstrasse).
The museum has a level, step-free entrance. The door opens automatically.
A disabled toilet is located in the foyer.
All exhibition levels can be reached via two wheelchair-accessible elevators
The Museumsdienst Köln offers guided tours for people with impaired vision for the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions. Tangible objects are available in the museum case. Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.
Guided tours in sign language are conducted upon request.
Es werden Führungen in Leichter Sprache angeboten.
Es stehen Audioguides (75) zur Verfügung
There are mobile induction loops (20) for people with hearing aids.
Assistance dogs are allowed with prior notification.
The museum café in the foyer is barrier-free. Table height is accessible with the general wheelchair models.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Cologne Museum Service offers guided tours for people with dementia after prior registration.
Folding stools (50), wheelchairs (2) and buggies are available on request at the cash desk. Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Museumsdienst Köln offers guided tours for people with impaired vision or dementia after prior registration.

A limited number of mobile induction loops for people with hearing aids are available. Information and catalogs are available as accessible CDs.

Ãœber den Wert der Zeit
Neupräsentation der Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst
10.08.2023 - 31.08.2025
Museum Ludwig Köln
Di-So/Fei 10-18, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln

The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways.

The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380

The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.

Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.

Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.

Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.

Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.

Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways. The ground-level, stepless main entrances have wide glass sliding doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently.
All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Audio guides (80) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp
Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available on request.
Special tours are offered for the blind and visually impaired.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops are offered for people with dementia changes.
An der Kasse können Klapphocker (80) und Rollstühle (2) ausgeliehen werden. Bei ausgewählten Anlässen werden Führungen in Gebärdensprache angeboten. Es werden Workshops für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten. Workshops und Führungen werden vom Museumsdienst Köln angeboten und durchgeführt. Auskunft und Buchung unter Tel.: 0221-221-27380

Welt im Wandel – Das Rheinland vom Mittelalter bis Morgen
29.09.2023 - 29.12.2025
LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn
Di-So 10-18, Mi 10-21 h
Colmantstraße 14-16, 53115 Bonn

The LVR State Museum in Bonn is the largest museum of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland. It offers a unique insight into the cultural history of the Rhineland. There are 3 free parking spaces for disabled people on the forecourt of the museum.

Access to the museum is via a contrasting, smooth path. The main entrance is at ground level and has no steps. All doors open automatically when approached.

There is 1 wheelchair lift to the basement with cloakroom and lecture hall and 2 wheelchair lifts in the museum. There are 20 lockers for the disabled in the basement. Wheelchair accessible counter in the reception area

There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet in the restaurant area on the ground floor, 1 toilet in the basement in front of the lecture hall, 1 toilet each on the 1st and 2nd floor in the museum, all toilets can be reached by elevator. All toilets have door openers.

Folding stools (30) and rental wheelchairs (3) are available at the cash desk. 2 illuminated magnifying glasses and 2 monoculars can be borrowed at the cash desk against a deposit.

The museum has a new media guide that can be used with your own smartphone or tablet. The media guide also includes sign language videos, easy-to-understand information and audio descriptions.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

There are guided tours for blind and visually impaired visitors and tours in plain language. There are tactile objects for human development in the form of replica skull bones and tools. Guided tours in sign language with an interpreter can be booked (the cost of the interpreter will be covered by the LVR). Guided tours are offered for people with dementia changes.

Different workshop offers are possible by arrangement. Advice on placement offers from Anne Segbers (0228-2070386).

The museum restaurant "Delikart" in the entrance area is barrier-free. There is also a disabled toilet here.
There are 3 free parking spaces for disabled people on the forecourt of the museum.
Access to the museum is via a contrasting, smooth path. The main entrance is at ground level and has no steps.
All doors open automatically when approached.
There is a wheelchair lift to the basement, cloakroom and lecture hall, 2 wheelchair lifts are in the museum. 20 lockers suitable for the disabled are available in the basement. The elevator buttons are equipped with tactile labels, the floors are announced. The floors are also connected with ramps that have a heavily corrugated surface.
There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet in the restaurant area on the ground floor, 1 toilet in the basement in front of the lecture hall, 1 toilet each on the 1st and 2nd floor in the museum, all toilets can be reached by elevator. All toilets have door openers.
The museum restaurant "Delikart" in the entrance area is barrier-free. There is also a wheelchair-accessible toilet here
Plain language audio guides are available. Guided tours are offered in plain language.
Das Museum hat einen neuen Mediaguide, der mit dem eigenen Smartphone oder Tablet benutzt werden kann. Der Mediaguide enthält auch Gebärdensprachvideos, Infos in Leichter Sprache und Audiodeskriptionen.
The museum has a new media guide that can be used with your own smartphone or tablet. The media guide also includes sign language videos, easy-to-understand information and audio descriptions.
Guided tours in sign language with an interpreter can be booked (the cost of the interpreter will be covered by the LVR).

A new media guide with sign language videos is available.
Guided tours are offered for people with dementia changes. Different workshop offers are possible by arrangement. Advice on placement offers from Anne Segbers (0228-2070386).
Folding stools (30) and rental wheelchairs (3) are available at the cash desk. 2 illuminated magnifying glasses and 2 monoculars can be borrowed at the cash desk against a deposit. Audio guides (100) are available, which can also be used with plain language and sign language.

There are guided tours for the blind and visually impaired and tours in plain language.

There are tactile objects for human development in the form of replica skull bones and tools.

The tactile and sign language tours last around 90 minutes and cost normal or reduced admission for the severely disabled plus 80 euros for accompanying guests. LVR bears the costs for the sign language interpreter.

Please register at kulturinfo Rheinland at least four weeks in advance.
Assistance dogs are allowed.

Sammlung Ströher
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
MKM Museum Küppersmühle
Mi 14-18, Do/Fr/Sa/So/Fei 11-18 h
Philosophenweg 55, 47051 Duisburg

The Küppersmühle Museum was opened in 1999 with around 3,600 square meters of exhibition space and is located in a former granary in Duisburg`s inner harbor, which was converted according to plans by Basel architects Herzog & de Meuron. Opposite the museum there are 3 designated public disabled parking spaces in the shoulder of the Philosophenweg.

Access to the building is at ground level via a paved forecourt. Directly next to the main entrance (revolving door) there is another door in the glass front, which is opened by the staff.

In the entrance area behind the cash desk there is a freely accessible and disabled-friendly cloakroom.

The handicapped-accessible sanitary rooms are located in the subsequent connecting corridor to the restaurant, which is also barrier-free.

All levels of the museum can be reached with the barrier-free elevator.

All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Wheelchairs are available for hire.
Opposite the museum there are 3 designated public disabled parking spaces in the shoulder of the Philosophenweg.
Access to the building is at ground level via a paved forecourt. Directly next to the main entrance (revolving door) there is another door in the glass front, which is opened by the staff.
In the connecting corridor between the cash register and the restaurant (ground floor)
the handicapped-accessible sanitary rooms are on the ground floor.
All levels of the museum can be reached with the barrier-free elevator. All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
The restaurant is barrier-free accessible from the foyer via a ground-level connecting corridor.

Du bist dran!-Space4Kids08.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Kulturen der Welt
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h
Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln

The Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and the Schnütgen Museum are housed in a building ensemble that consists of a new building and historical parts of the building. Below the museum complex there is an underground car park with parking spaces for the disabled and a barrier-free elevator to the shared foyer of the two museums.

The museums can be reached at ground level via a flat ramp. The front door opens automatically.

All door widths in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum are suitable for wheelchairs. Disabled toilets (m/f) are located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free via the elevator from the foyer.

The cash register is marked with guide strips for the blind, as is the elevator in the foyer, which can be reached at ground level. The barrier-free elevators (2) take you to all exhibition levels, the elevators are suitable for wheelchairs. Cloakroom and lockers are located in the basement and are freely accessible.

Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. Folding chairs as walking aids and 2 rental wheelchairs (with advance notice) are available.

Touchscreens, audio guides with some descriptive texts and video guides in sign language are available. mp3 files can be downloaded from the homepage.

Listening stations in the permanent exhibition are accessible for wheelchair users and can be operated barrier-free. The event hall is equipped with induction loops.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.

The gastronomy in the ground-level entrance area is barrier-free accessible, the outdoor gastronomy in the courtyard area, which is open in summer, can be reached via a ramp.
There is an underground car park under the museum with parking spaces for the disabled and a barrier-free elevator to the foyer.
The museum can be reached at ground level via a flat ramp. The front door opens automatically.
2 disabled toilets (m/f) in the basement are fully accessible via the elevator.
The 2 barrier-free elevators take you to all exhibition levels, the elevators are suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator in the foyer can be reached at ground level. A guide strip for the blind leads to the elevator.
Guide strips for the blind in the foyer lead to the ticket office and the elevator. Tactile objects are available in some areas of the museum.
100 audio guides are available. mp3 files can be downloaded from the homepage.
Guided tours in sign language on the video guides. Films in sign language explain the themed course and show the highlights of the exhibition.
The gastronomy in the ground-level entrance area is barrier-free accessible, the outdoor gastronomy in the courtyard area, which is open in summer, can be reached via a ramp.
An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
The event hall is equipped with induction loops.
Folding chairs as walking aids and 2 rental wheelchairs (with advance notice) are available. Touchscreens, audio guides with some descriptive texts and video guides in sign language are available. Listening stations in the permanent exhibition are accessible for wheelchair users and can be operated barrier-free.

Zeiten und Räume. Klassiker der Sammlung. Von Ruisdael bis Giacometti24.03.2024 - 30.03.2025
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Gleichklang in Autonomie – Hildegard und Erwin Heerich
Siza-Pavillon, Raketenstation Hombroich
19.05.2024 - 23.02.2025
Stiftung Insel Hombroich
Öffnungszeiten siehe Webseite
Minkel 2, 41472 Neuss

The site of the Museum Insel Hombroich is a unique ensemble of nature, designed landscape, architecture and art. It is part of the Kulturraum Hombroich with numerous other buildings in which art is presented or produced.

The grounds of the Museum Insel Hombroich are not barrier-free.

A staircase without a ramp leads from the ticket office to the Auen.

A disabled parking space is available at the entrance to Insel Hombroich.

Dogs are not allowed on the entire site.

Before visiting, we recommend calling the information desk of the Insel Hombroich Foundation on Tel.: 02182-8874001 or sending an email to museum@inselhombroich.de.
A disabled parking space is available at the entrance to Insel Hombroich.

Die Sammlungen des MGKSiegen
23.08.2024 - 23.03.2025
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen
Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 h
Unteres Schloss 1, 57072 Siegen

The Museum of Contemporary Art Siegen has its headquarters in a centrally located building ensemble in which the old structure was combined with a new building. The old building, erected in 1894 as a telegraph office, was extended by a museum building facing the courtyard of the lower castle.

2 public disabled parking spaces are located about 20 meters from the museum.

The museum entrance is at ground level and there are no steps; all exhibition levels can be reached via the barrier-free elevator.

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

1 disabled toilet, the disabled cloakroom and lockers are located on the ground floor.

Folding stools (10) can be borrowed.

Offers for people with dementia changes on request.

Workshops for young people with mental disabilities are held on request.

The brasserie "Ristorante e Piazza" offers Mediterranean specialties in the new building of the museum. Access is at ground level.
2 public disabled parking spaces are located about 20 meters from the museum.
Level, stepless access through the main entrance.
All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible by elevator.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
The family-friendly brasserie "Ristorante e Piazza" offers Mediterranean specialties in the new building of the museum. Access is at ground level.
Folding stools (10) can be borrowed. Offers for people with dementia changes on request. Workshops for young people with mental disabilities on request.
The museum website can be accessed in plain language
Offers for people with dementia changes on request.

Anna Viebrock30.08.2024 - 01.03.2025
Skulpturenhalle Thomas Schütte Stiftung
Fr-So 11-17 h
Berger Weg 16, 41472 Neuss

Neuerwerbungen Herbst 202431.08.2024 - 22.02.2025
Galerie Ludorff
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-14 h
Königsallee 22, 40212 Düsseldorf

Troika – Pink Noise01.09.2024 - 16.03.2025
Langen Foundation
täglich 10-18 h
Raketenstation Hombroich 1, 41472 Neuss

The Langen Foundation is an art foundation established privately in 2002 and is based in a concrete, steel and glass museum building designed by Tadao Ando. The elongated low-rise building was fitted into the topographical conditions of the surrounding ramparts.

There are 3 disabled parking spaces in the Langen Foundation car park next to the museum building.

Access is level and stepless.

The entrance door is opened by the staff for wheelchair users.

All door widths in the museum building are suitable for wheelchairs.

1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached via a flat ramp.

1 rental wheelchair is available.
There are 3 disabled parking spaces in the Langen Foundation car park next to the museum building.
Level, stepless access. The front door will be opened by the staff.
1 disabled toilet is available in the basement. This can be easily reached via a flat ramp.
1 rental wheelchair is available.

Jef Verheyen, Johanna von Monkiewitsch – gegen den Himmel. contre le ciel15.09.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 15.09.2024 12 Uhr
Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen
Di 11-21, Mi-So 11-17 h
Gustav-Heinemann-Str. 80, 51377 Leverkusen

In January 1951, the Museum Morsbroich was opened as the first newly founded museum for contemporary art in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is housed in the historic building of Morsbroich Castle, a former Commandery of the Teutonic Order.

There are 3 disabled parking spaces available. Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.

A disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.

Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available.

Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is 1 disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564
There are 3 disabled parking spaces available.
Access to the Museum Morsbroich is level and stepless via a side entrance on the left side of the building. At the bottom of the stairs on the left there is a bell that you can use to call the staff. The staff will escort you to the elevator. The rooms of the museum education are located in the left side building of the castle and are accessible at ground level.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
Guided tours in plain language are organized on request.
Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de
The restaurant can be reached at ground level and without steps. There is a disabled toilet in the restaurant. On request, disabled people or wheelchair users can park directly in front of the restaurant. Registration under Tel: 0214-96004564.
Folding stools (40) and a wheelchair for hire are available. Guided tours in plain language are organized on request. Contact: Angela Hoogstraaten, phone: 0214-85556-15, email: angela.hoogstraten@museum-morsbroich.de

Schultze Projects #4: Kresiah Mukwazhi20.09.2024 - 22.08.2027
Museum Ludwig Köln
Di-So/Fei 10-18, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln

The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways.

The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380

The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.

Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.

Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.

Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.

Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.

Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways. The ground-level, stepless main entrances have wide glass sliding doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently.
All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Audio guides (80) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp
Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available on request.
Special tours are offered for the blind and visually impaired.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops are offered for people with dementia changes.
An der Kasse können Klapphocker (80) und Rollstühle (2) ausgeliehen werden. Bei ausgewählten Anlässen werden Führungen in Gebärdensprache angeboten. Es werden Workshops für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten. Workshops und Führungen werden vom Museumsdienst Köln angeboten und durchgeführt. Auskunft und Buchung unter Tel.: 0221-221-27380

Paper / Elements
Kunst aus Papier und die vier Elemente
22.09.2024 - 09.06.2025
Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders
Di/Fr 14-18, Mi/Sa 10-18, Do 14-20, So/Fei 11-18 h
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 8, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
02202-142334, 142356

The Villa Zanders is a former industrial villa of the Zanders family, today only a few steps away from the train station, town hall and pedestrian zone. After completion of a renovation in the years 1986-1992, the museum regularly offers changing exhibitions on three floors and around 1500 square meters, mostly with contemporary art.

There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus (address: An der Gohrsmühle).

The Villa Zanders Art Museum is handicapped accessible and easily accessible for wheelchair users via a ramp (side entrance). All floors of the house are accessible via the elevator. A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.

1 rental wheelchair is available. The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.

In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.
There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus, street: An der Gohrsmühle.
Access to the museum for wheelchair users is via a ramp (side entrance).
All levels of the museum can be reached via the wheelchair-accessible elevator.
A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer. In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.

Die Burg. Das Schloss. Das Museum.
22.09.2024 - 31.12.2025
Städtisches Museum Schloss Rheydt
Di-So 11-18 h
Schlossstr. 508, 41238 Mönchengladbach

Rheydt Castle in Mönchengladbach is the only architecturally completely preserved Renaissance castle on the Lower Rhine. Today, the castle and the outer bailey not only house the Municipal Museum of the City of Mönchengladbach, but are also a venue for a variety of cultural events and a local recreation area with extensive green spaces.

The mansion is fully wheelchair accessible. An elevator is available. A wheelchair-accessible toilet with an alarm button is also available.

The outer bailey is not fully accessible for wheelchair users.
The cobblestones on the outside paths can also present a slight barrier. Walking aids with small wheels do not roll comfortably there. Steep inclines cannot be overcome on the paths.

The casemates can only be accessed via stairs.

The museum regularly offers special tours for people with dementia changes, often also for residents of old people`s homes and other facilities. The visit is based on a trip to Rheydt Castle, a "trip into the blue". In conversations, with pictures and original objects, the participants` memories are evoked and reproduced. The path through the museum ends at a coffee table set in the style of the 1950s/60s.

Appointments can be made personally on 02166-9289016 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and on Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

You can also send us your request by e-mail (museumspaedagogik@schlossrheydt.de) with your phone number.
A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
A wheelchair accessible toilet is available.
The museum regularly offers special tours for people with dementia changes, often also for residents of old people`s homes and other facilities. The visit is based on a trip to Rheydt Castle, a "trip into the blue". In conversations, with pictures and original objects, the participants` memories are evoked and reproduced. The path through the museum ends at a coffee table set in the style of the 1950s/60s.

Appointments can be made personally on 0 21 66 – 9 28 90 – 16 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and on Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

You can also send us your request by e-mail (museumspaedagogik@schlossrheydt.de) with your phone number.
Assistance dogs are allowed but must be on a leash.

Bilder vom Strom und Fluss des Lebens Rheinischer Expressionisten
26.09.2024 - 23.03.2025
Museum August Macke Haus
Do 11-19, Fr/Sa/So 11-17 h
Hochstadenring 36, 53119 Bonn

The Museum August Macke Haus is dedicated to maintaining the memory and work of August Macke and the Rhenish Expressionists. The heart of the museum is August Macke`s former home and studio, which was expanded in 2017 with a spacious modern extension. This enables barrier-free access to the former house of the artist and, in addition to rooms for special exhibitions and events, includes a roof terrace, a museum educational studio, a library, the museum shop and a museum café with a terrace in the idyllic garden between the artist house and the extension, which is sealed off from the street by a high, free-standing glass facade. Access to the museum is via the ground-level, step-free main entrance in the annex. (Hochstadenstrasse) All 14 rooms of the former residential and studio building as well as all other publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via 2 wheelchair-accessible elevators.

A designated disabled parking space is located in the museum car park, Bornheimer Str. 98-100. The museum is at ground level and can be reached via the main entrance without steps. The entrance door opens automatically.

All levels of the museum are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators. Wheelchairs and walking frames are accessible on all levels and in all rooms of the museum.

A barrier-free disabled toilet and the cloakroom are located in the basement.

The café in the foyer area is barrier-free accessible via a flat ramp. The inner courtyard is at ground level and also easily accessible for wheelchair users from the foyer.

A wheelchair can be borrowed free of charge at the cash desk. This can be reserved in advance by phone: 0228-655531 or by email to buero(at)august-macke-haus.de. In addition, 10 folding stools can be borrowed free of charge.

A total of 48 audio guides are available.
The listening stations in the museum are accessible for wheelchair users.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request. Workshops for people with dementia changes are offered on request. Guided tours in sign language are available upon request.

Guide and assistance dogs, which are marked accordingly, may be taken into the museum.
A designated disabled parking space is located in the museum car park, Bornheimer Str. 98-100.
The museum is at ground level and can be reached via the main entrance without steps. The glass door opens automatically.
All levels of the museum are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators. Wheelchairs and walking frames are accessible on all levels and in all rooms of the museum.
The café in the foyer area is barrier-free accessible via a flat ramp. The inner courtyard is at ground level and also easily accessible for wheelchair users from the foyer.
A barrier-free disabled toilet and the cloakroom are located in the basement.
Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.
Guided tours in sign language are available upon request.
Guided tours in easy language are available on request.
A total of 48 audio guides are available, which can be borrowed at the ticket office.
A wheelchair can be borrowed free of charge at the cash desk. This can be reserved in advance on T 0228 655531 or by email to buero(at)august-macke-haus.de. In addition, 10 folding stools can be borrowed free of charge.

The audio stations in the museum are accessible for wheelchair users.

Workshops for people with dementia changes are offered on request. A rental wheelchair is available.
Guide and assistance dogs, which are marked accordingly, may be taken into the museum.

Yasmina Assbane, Louisa Clement, Sabrina Jung, Anna Oppermann, Margot Pilz, Ulrike Rosenbach, Mariuccia Secol, Annegret Soltau, Gabriele Stötzer, Ivonne Thein u.a.
26.09.2024 - 28.03.2025
Vernissage: 26.09.2024 19 Uhr
Galerie Gisela Clement
Mi-Fr 14-18, Sa 13-17 h u.n.V.
Lotharstr. 104, 53115 Bonn

Yoko Ono. Music of the Mind28.09.2024 - 16.03.2025
K20 Grabbeplatz
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1. Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Grabbeplatz 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free. Disabled parking spaces for K20 are located in the underground car park. Access to K20 is via a flat ramp (main entrance).

All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers.

All door widths in K20 are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.

Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in the underground car park under K20 Grabbeplatz.
Access to K20 is via a flat ramp. (Main entrance)
1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.
The café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.
The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Information on guided tours and mediation offers from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.
Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.

Marion Baruch – Soziales Gewebe
Fotografie, Textil, Objekte, Projekte
06.10.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 06.10.2024 11:30 Uhr
Museum Haus Lange
Di-So 11-17 h
Wilhelmshofallee 91 -97, 47800 Krefeld

The Haus Lange Haus Esters museums are only partially barrier-free, as they are former residential buildings that have been listed as historical monuments.

A flat step has to be bridged in the entrance area of ​​Haus Lange. The museum staff will help with this. Only a normal staircase leads to the first floor of the house.

The disabled toilet is located on the ground floor and is accessible at ground level.

The gardens of Haus Lange and Haus Esters cannot be reached without help due to several steps.

Our supervisory team will be happy to help you on site.
A flat step has to be bridged in the entrance area of ​​Haus Lange. The museum staff will help with this.
The disabled toilet is located on the ground floor and is accessible at ground level.

Traumlandschaft – Alptraum Landschaft
Künstlerische Positionen in der Landschaftsmalerei aus den letzten 25 Jahren
12.10.2024 - 09.03.2025
Vernissage: 11.10.2024 19 Uhr
Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz
Di-So 10-18 h
Zentralplatz 1, 56068 Koblenz

The museum is located on the central square in the cultural building Forum Confluentes. The city library, the Romanticum and the tourist information center are also housed in the culture building. Designated disabled parking spaces can be found in the multi-storey car park of the neighboring Forum Mittelrhein, entrance via Luisenstraße and in the Schängelcenter in Clemensstraße, entrance via Gymnasialstrasse. You will find further designated disabled parking spaces on Schlossstraße, not far from the museum.

The museum can be reached at ground level. Our entrance is stepless and wheelchair accessible.

A designated wheelchair-accessible toilet is located in the exhibition on the first floor and also in the basement of the culture building in the central toilet facility. There are lockers in the foyer of the museum and in the basement of the culture building.

The museum is equipped with a wheelchair and a walker, which can be borrowed from the ticket office for a deposit. Folding chairs are available, which can also be taken into the exhibitions if required.

In the exhibitions there are comfortable seats and light, portable folding stools to borrow at individual points.

Over 100 audio guides are available.

There is an inductive audio system at the cash desk/information desk and in event room 2.

Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are available on request. The contact person is Mr. Pister. Email: info@mittelrhein-musuem.de
The museum is located on the central square in the cultural building. Designated disabled parking spaces can be found in the Forum Mittelrhein multi-storey car park, entrance via Luisenstraße and in the Schängelcenter in Clemensstraße, entrance via Gymnasialstrasse. You will find further designated disabled parking spaces on Schlossstraße, not far from the museum.
The museum can be reached at ground level. The entrance is stepless and wheelchair accessible.
The exhibitions are on the first floor and in the basement of the building. Both exhibitions can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator. Access to all exhibitions is guaranteed.
A designated wheelchair-accessible toilet is located in the exhibition on the first floor and also in the basement of the culture building in the central toilet facility.
Over 100 audio guides are available.
There is an inductive audio system at the cash desk/information desk and in event room 2.
Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are available on request. The contact person is Mr. Pister at info@mittelrhein-musuem.de
The museum is equipped with a wheelchair and a walker, which can be borrowed from the ticket office for a deposit. Folding chairs are available, which can also be taken into the exhibitions if required.

In the exhibitions there are comfortable seats and light, portable folding stools to borrow at individual points.

There are lockers in the foyer of the museum and in the basement of the culture building.
Assistance dogs are allowed.

MUSIC! Feel the Beat
Mitmachausstellung / Der Eintritt ist frei für Kinder und Jugendliche bis 18 Jahre.
12.10.2024 - 27.04.2025
LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn
Di-So 10-18, Mi 10-21 h
Colmantstraße 14-16, 53115 Bonn

The LVR State Museum in Bonn is the largest museum of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland. It offers a unique insight into the cultural history of the Rhineland. There are 3 free parking spaces for disabled people on the forecourt of the museum.

Access to the museum is via a contrasting, smooth path. The main entrance is at ground level and has no steps. All doors open automatically when approached.

There is 1 wheelchair lift to the basement with cloakroom and lecture hall and 2 wheelchair lifts in the museum. There are 20 lockers for the disabled in the basement. Wheelchair accessible counter in the reception area

There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet in the restaurant area on the ground floor, 1 toilet in the basement in front of the lecture hall, 1 toilet each on the 1st and 2nd floor in the museum, all toilets can be reached by elevator. All toilets have door openers.

Folding stools (30) and rental wheelchairs (3) are available at the cash desk. 2 illuminated magnifying glasses and 2 monoculars can be borrowed at the cash desk against a deposit.

The museum has a new media guide that can be used with your own smartphone or tablet. The media guide also includes sign language videos, easy-to-understand information and audio descriptions.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

There are guided tours for blind and visually impaired visitors and tours in plain language. There are tactile objects for human development in the form of replica skull bones and tools. Guided tours in sign language with an interpreter can be booked (the cost of the interpreter will be covered by the LVR). Guided tours are offered for people with dementia changes.

Different workshop offers are possible by arrangement. Advice on placement offers from Anne Segbers (0228-2070386).

The museum restaurant "Delikart" in the entrance area is barrier-free. There is also a disabled toilet here.
There are 3 free parking spaces for disabled people on the forecourt of the museum.
Access to the museum is via a contrasting, smooth path. The main entrance is at ground level and has no steps.
All doors open automatically when approached.
There is a wheelchair lift to the basement, cloakroom and lecture hall, 2 wheelchair lifts are in the museum. 20 lockers suitable for the disabled are available in the basement. The elevator buttons are equipped with tactile labels, the floors are announced. The floors are also connected with ramps that have a heavily corrugated surface.
There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet in the restaurant area on the ground floor, 1 toilet in the basement in front of the lecture hall, 1 toilet each on the 1st and 2nd floor in the museum, all toilets can be reached by elevator. All toilets have door openers.
The museum restaurant "Delikart" in the entrance area is barrier-free. There is also a wheelchair-accessible toilet here
Plain language audio guides are available. Guided tours are offered in plain language.
Das Museum hat einen neuen Mediaguide, der mit dem eigenen Smartphone oder Tablet benutzt werden kann. Der Mediaguide enthält auch Gebärdensprachvideos, Infos in Leichter Sprache und Audiodeskriptionen.
The museum has a new media guide that can be used with your own smartphone or tablet. The media guide also includes sign language videos, easy-to-understand information and audio descriptions.
Guided tours in sign language with an interpreter can be booked (the cost of the interpreter will be covered by the LVR).

A new media guide with sign language videos is available.
Guided tours are offered for people with dementia changes. Different workshop offers are possible by arrangement. Advice on placement offers from Anne Segbers (0228-2070386).
Folding stools (30) and rental wheelchairs (3) are available at the cash desk. 2 illuminated magnifying glasses and 2 monoculars can be borrowed at the cash desk against a deposit. Audio guides (100) are available, which can also be used with plain language and sign language.

There are guided tours for the blind and visually impaired and tours in plain language.

There are tactile objects for human development in the form of replica skull bones and tools.

The tactile and sign language tours last around 90 minutes and cost normal or reduced admission for the severely disabled plus 80 euros for accompanying guests. LVR bears the costs for the sign language interpreter.

Please register at kulturinfo Rheinland at least four weeks in advance.
Assistance dogs are allowed.

»AUSBLICK!« Projektstipendium KunstKommunikation 25
Entwurfsausstellung der Ideenwerkstatt
12.10.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 12.10.2024 18 Uhr
DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
Di-Sa 14-18, So/Fei 11-18 h
Klosterstr. 10, 48477 Hörstel

The DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst uses the more than 750-year-old complex of the Cistercian monastery Gravenhorst, which was almost completely reconstructed in 2004, for participatory art production and exhibition projects.

There is a marked parking space for people with disabilities (parking space size 310 x 400 cm) on the south side of the monastery grounds (drive from Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße onto Waldstraße and turn right behind the monastery pond).

Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance to the left of the stairs to the main entrance. The supervisory staff can be reached there via a bell. From there you can access the wheelchair-accessible elevator. The colleagues will be happy to help you access the individual exhibition areas.

There are 2 disabled toilets available. 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the west wing under the exhibition hall, 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the south wing, below the restaurant area. The public toilet for people with disabilities has handles that can be folded up on the left and right. The sink is wheelchair accessible. The mirror can be viewed while sitting or standing. There is also a cord as an alarm trigger.

The basement, exhibition hall, foyer area and upper floor can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator with door widths greater than or equal to 90 cm.

The Café Klara in the south wing is at ground level and barrier-free accessible.

Guided tours for blind and visually impaired people are available on request. The tour The Dissolution of Seeing with Touch Tablets can also be booked on request.

For events in the large hall, there is an induction loop for people with hearing impairments.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

A total of 19 To Go folding chairs can be borrowed in the foyer. In the basement in the west wing there are 5 lockers suitable for the disabled.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces available in the public car park at Gravenhorst Monastery (Hoppen Garten car park). The journey is via Friedrich-Wilhelm-Strasse.
Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance to the left of the stairs to the main entrance. Employees can be reached there via a bell.
The basement, exhibition hall, foyer area and upper floor can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator with door widths greater than or equal to 90 cm.
There are 2 disabled toilets to disposal. 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the west wing under the exhibition hall, 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the south wing, below the restaurant area.
On request, guided tours for blind and visually impaired people are offered. The tour The Dissolution of Vision with tactile tablets can also be booked on request.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The Café Klara in the south wing is at ground level and barrier-free accessible.
Bei Veranstaltungen im großen Saal gibt es für Menschen mit Hörbehinderung eine Induktionsschleife.
A total of 19 folding chairs to go can be borrowed in the foyer. In the basement in the west wing there are 5 lockers suitable for the disabled.

Boscher Theodor – Heart of Glass
Installationen, Skulpturen und Objekte
13.10.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 13.10.2024 11:30 Uhr
Deutsches Glasmalerei-Museum Linnich
Di-So 11-17 h
Rurstrasse 9-11, 52441 Linnich

The German Glass Painting Museum Linnich is housed in a former grain mill in the city center of Linnich and uses historical glass paintings and contemporary glass art to convey the history and technology of glass painting. On seven floors, visitors will find the glass art as windows, as large-format pictures or in the form of modern glass steles and sculptures.

1 public, designated disabled parking space (address: Rurstraße 5) is located in front of Café Schrapper, 20 meters from the museum. On the widened sidewalk, there are also spaces for wheelchair users in the outdoor gastronomy in summer.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless via a double door next to the revolving door of the main entrance. This will be opened by the staff. A bell is available.

All 7 exhibition levels of the museum can be reached with the barrier-free elevator or stair lift.

1 disabled toilet is located on the 5th exhibition level.

Folding stools can be borrowed.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are conducted on request. Tangible objects are available (mobile museum).

Introductions to the technique of glass painting are offered in the museum workshop, e.g. for blind people and various target groups.

An assistance dog is allowed.
1 public, designated disabled parking space (address: Rurstraße 5) is located in front of Café Schrapper, 20 meters from the museum.
Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless via a double door next to the revolving door of the main entrance. This will be opened by the staff. A bell is available.
1 disabled toilet is available.
All exhibition levels can be reached with the barrier-free elevator or stair l
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired on request. Tactile objects are available (mobile museum). Introductions to the technique of glass painting are offered in the museum workshop, e.g. for the blind and other target groups.
Café Schrapper is located at the public disabled parking lot (address: Rurstraße 5), 20 meters from the museum. On the widened sidewalk, there are also spaces for wheelchair users in the outdoor gastronomy in summer.
An assistance dog is allowed.
Folding stools can be borrowed. Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are conducted on request. Tangible objects are available (mobile museum). Introductions to the technique of glass painting are offered in the museum workshop, e.g. for the blind and for other target groups.

Cutting the Puppeteer's Strings
20.10.2024 - 01.06.2025
Vernissage: 20.10.2024 14-18 Uhr
Sammlung Philara
Do 16-20 h u.n.V.
Birkenstraße 47, 40233 Düsseldorf

27.10.2024 - 09.03.2025
Museum Kurhaus Kleve
Di-So 11-17 Uhr
Tiergartenstr. 41, 47533 Kleve

The Museum Kurhaus Kleve is housed in a long, three-part ensemble of former spa buildings from the 19th century. Access for wheelchair users is level and stepless via a side entrance. There is also a parking space here. (Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41, coming from Kleve, turn left before the pedestrian lights, part of the Beuys-Atelier building).

Disabled lockers are available in the entrance area.

1 disabled toilet is located in the cash desk area in the basement and can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

1 disabled toilet is located in the Beuys-Atelier part of the building in the basement and can also be reached barrier-free by elevator.

Folding stools and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions.

Guided tours in simple language and workshops for different target groups are offered.

A listening carpet is used at openings.

The Café Moritz on the 1st floor can be reached barrier-free with the elevator.
There is parking near the barrier-free side entrance. Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41 from the direction of Kleve turn left before the pedestrian traffic light (part of the Beuys-Atelier building)
Access for wheelchair users is level and stepless via a side entrance. There is also a parking space here. (Address Tiergartengartenstr. 41 coming from Kleve, turn left at the pedestrian traffic lights, part of the Beuys-Atelier building).
1 disabled toilet is located in the checkout area in the basement and can be reached by elevator without barriers. 1 wheelchair-accessible toilet is located in the Beuys-Atelier part of the building in the basement and can also be reached barrier-free by elevator.
There are two barrier-free elevators that can be used to reach all levels of the museum and Café Moritz.
The lift provides barrier-free access to Cafe Moritz on the 1st floor.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
A listening carpet is used at openings.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions.
Folding stools and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Audio guides are provided for special exhibitions. Guided tours in simple language and workshops for different target groups are offered.

Von Julia Margaret Cameron bis Thomas Ruff
27.10.2024 - 23.02.2025
Clemens Sels Museum Neuss
Di-Sa 11-17, So/Fei 11-18 h
Am Obertor, 41460 Neuss

The Clemens Sels Museum is located in two connected buildings, the Obertor and the Deilmannbau, which was built in 1975 and was reopened in 2015 after extensive renovation work.

Wheelchair users can use a ramp to reach the ground-level, step-free main entrance in the Deilmann building.

The exhibition on the medieval town history of Neuss, which is presented in the Obertor, is not accessible to wheelchair users.

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

1 disabled toilet is located in the Obertor and can be reached via the wheelchair lift.

The gastronomy is barrier-free accessible.

There are 20 audio guides available for permanent collection in German and English. The devices have a large keyboard with large numbers and Braille as well as touch screens.

The tours are available in simple language for children and adults on an audio guide.

1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Folding stools are available for free use on the floors.

Courses are offered for people with dementia changes. Guided tours in plain language can be booked.

An assistance dog is allowe
A ramp leads to the main entrance in the Deilmann building
A wheelchair elevator is available.
1 disabled toilet is located in the Obertor and can be reached via the wheelchair lift.
The gastronomy in the museum is barrier-free accessible.
Alle Filter


Ungefähr 34.000.000 Ergebnisse (0,28 Sekunden)

The museum website can be accessed in Easy Sporache.

The tours are available in simple language for children and adults on an audio guide.

Guided tours in plain language can be booked.
Audio guides are available for permanent collection with Braille keys and extra large numbers for the visually impaired.
A video guide with sign language is available on the museum website or can be borrowed on site free of charge at the museum ticket office. (total running time approx. 40 min.)
There are 20 audio guides available for permanent collection in German and English. The devices have a large keyboard with large numbers and Braille as well as touch screens. The tours are available in simple language for children and adults on one device.
An assistance dog is allowed.
Es werden Kurse für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten.
Es werden Kurse für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten.

1 Rollstuhl kann ausgeliehen werden.

Auf den Etagen stehen Klapphocker zur freien Nutzung zur Verfügung

Rune Mields. Der unendliche Raum – dehnt sich aus 28.10.2024 - 02.03.2025
Vernissage: 27.10.2024 12 Uhr
Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst
Di,Mi,Fr 12-18, Do 12-20, Sa/So 11-18 h
Jülicher Strasse 97-109, 52070 Aachen

Since 1991, the Ludwig Forum for International Art has been housed in the Brauer umbrella factory, which was built in 1928 in the Bauhaus style and relocated in 1988.

There are 2 public disabled parking spaces available for a fee.

All exhibition rooms, the library and the workshop can be reached barrier-free via the car park and the ground-level main entrance. The door widths are suitable for wheelchairs everywhere. There are two elevators. All floors of the museum can be reached via the barrier-free elevators. Disabled toilets are located in the basement and on the ground floor in the library. The cafeteria is barrier-free accessible.

10 folding stools and 1 rental wheelchair are available at the cash desk,

A museum brochure in plain language is available at the ticket office.

An assistance dog is allowed.

Guided tours in sign language are available for all exhibitions on request.

Creative programs for people with dementia and individual museum pedagogy workshops are offered for people with disabilities. Information and registration from Mr. Karl-Heinz Jeiter, phone: +49 241 1807-115, email: karl-heinz.jeiter@mail.aachen.de
There are 2 public disabled parking spaces available for a fee.
Access for wheelchair users is stepless and at ground level via the main entrance. A door opener is available.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement and in the library on the ground floor.
All floors of the museum can be reached via barrier-free elevators.
The cafeteria is barrier-free accessible.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
On request, themed tours in sign language are offered for all exhibitions
A museum brochure in plain language is available at the ticket office. The brochure can also be downloaded as a PDF from the home page.
10 folding stools and 1 rental wheelchair are available at the cash desk.

Creative programs for people with dementia changes and individual museum pedagogy workshops are offered for people with disabilities. Information and registration from Mr. Karl-Heinz Jeiter, phone: +49 241 1807-115, email: karl-heinz.jeiter@mail.aachen.de

Frozen Mirrors
31.10.2024 - 26.04.2025
Vernissage: 30.10.2024 19 Uhr
KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Di-Sa 12-17 h
Kaistraße 10, 40221 Düsseldorf

Katharina Sieverding
Große Überblicksausstellung
01.11.2024 - 23.03.2025
Vernissage: 31.10.2024 19-21 Uhr
K21 Ständehaus
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1.Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Ständehausstrasse 1, 40217 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free.

2 disabled parking spaces for K21 Standehaus are located in front of the building. Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance.

A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.

All levels of the K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via a lift.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers. All door widths in K21 Ständehaus are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed Pardo Bar on the ground floor is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.

2 disabled parking spaces are available in the closed interior area next to the building. There is an intercom in the Elisbethstraße 5 area, the barrier is opened by the control center on request.
Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance. A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
All levels of K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via an elevator
Audio guides are available for some exhibitions.
Für gehörlose und hörgeschädigte Besucher bietet die Kunstsammlung Führungen in Gebärdensprache an.
Für einzelne Ausstellungen stehen Audioguides in Leichter Sprache zur Verfügung.
Assistance dogs are aloowed
Die künstlerisch gestaltete Pardo Bar im EG ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

Tatort Heimat! True Crime aus der Region09.11.2024 - 27.04.2025
Centre Charlemagne
Di-So 10-18 Uhr
Katschhof 1, 52062 Aachen

The Center Charlemagne is the new city museum of the city of Aachen. In the permanent exhibition of the Center Charlemagne, visitors get to know the most important Aachen figures, events and stories.

The Center Charlemagne does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the middle of the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several car parks near the Center Charlemagne. 5 disabled parking spaces are available in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstrasse 5), a 1-minute walk away.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. Barrier-free entrances to the museum are marked. Folding stools (60) can be borrowed.

The elevator in the house is suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator takes you to the various stations of the permanent exhibition in the basement.

The café on the ground floor is barrier-free. 1 disabled toilet is available on the ground floor. Numerous handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available on the ground floor.

There are inductive audio systems in all rooms accessible to visitors.

40 audio guides are available. There is also the option of downloading an app with the same information.

Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered, which can also be booked independently. Three magnifying glasses are permanently installed in the permanent exhibition.

Sign language is offered at numerous media stations in the permanent exhibition. Guided tours in sign language for groups are available on request.

Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available for groups on request.
The Center Charlemagne does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the middle of the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several car parks near the Center Charlemagne. 1 minute walk, in the Rathaus car park (Mostardstrasse 5) there are 5 disabled parking spaces available.
Access to the building is at ground level and stepless.
The elevator in the house is suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator takes you to the various stations of the permanent exhibition in the basement.
The café on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.
1 disabled toilet is available on the ground floor. Numerous disabled-accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available on the ground floor.
40 audio guides are available. There is also the option of downloading an app with the same information.
Guided tours for visually impaired and blind people are offered, which can also be booked at any time. Three magnifying glasses are permanently installed in the permanent exhibition.
Sign language is offered at numerous media stations in the permanent exhibition. Guided tours in sign language for groups are available on request.
Barrier-free entrances to the museum are marked. Folding stools (60) can be borrowed.
Guided tours in simple language for groups are available on request.
Inductive audio system in all rooms accessible to visitors.

Defrage & Troeller : Keine Bilder zum Träumen
Stern-Reportagen und Filme
15.11.2024 - 23.02.2025
Museum Folkwang
Di-So 10-18, Do/Fr 10-20 h
Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen

In May 1960, the first new Folkwang building was opened after the Second World War: the so-called old building, which is now a listed building. In the old building, the museum shows the masterpieces of the 19th and 20th centuries. The new building designed by David Chipperfield was inaugurated in 2010 as the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010. Here are the exhibition areas - the collection 20./21. Century, photography, poster, graphics and special exhibitions - as well as library and reading room, multifunctional hall for lectures and events, depots and restoration workshops.

There are 4 disabled parking spaces available in the underground car park of the new building.
There is a lift in the underground car park, and the control panels are also barrier-free.

The main entrance can also be reached barrier-free via a flat ramp. There is also an elevator that can be called from outside. The control panel is placed barrier-free. All levels of the museum are barrier-free.

The door widths in the old building are suitable for wheelchairs.

Door openers are installed throughout the new building.

A staffed cloakroom is located in the foyer.

There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet is in the old building near the museum café, in the new building there is 1 toilet near the Hirschlandsaal and 2 toilets near the cloakroom.

The museum café in the old building and the Vincent & Paul restaurant in the new building are barrier-free.

Magnifying glasses and folding stools (100) can be borrowed. A limited number of wheelchairs are also available.

A free app with texts and audio files is available for the permanent collection and the major special exhibitions.

Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions. Inquiries about guided tours and workshops via the visitor office on Tel.: 0201-8845444, Email: info@museum-folkwang.essen.de.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Four disabled parking spaces are available in the underground car park of the new Museum Folkwang. The entrance to the museum and visiting the exhibition is barrier-free from here.
The main entrance can be reached barrier-free via a flat ramp. There is also an elevator that can be called from outside. The control panel is placed barrier-free.
Barrier-free elevators are available, the elevator control panels are barrier-free. All levels of the museum are barrier-free.
There are a total of 4 disabled toilets. 1 toilet is in the old building near the museum café, in the new building there is 1 toilet near the Hirschlandsaal and 2 toilets near the cloakroom.
Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions.
A free app with texts and audio files is available for the permanent collection and the major special exhibitio
Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.
The museum website can be accessed in plain language.

Guided tours in plain language are offered regularly.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The Streiflichter – guided tours for people with dementia take place once a quarter.
Magnifying glasses and folding stools (100) can be borrowed. A limited number of wheelchairs are also available.

Guided tours in sign language and plain language are offered regularly.

Audio guides are available for the permanent collection. Guided tours in sign language are offered for special exhibitions. Inquiries about guided tours and workshops via the visitor office on Tel.: 0201-8845444, Email: info@museum-folkwang.essen.de.
The edda restaurant in the new building is barrier-free.

Eine dufte Sammlung! Flakons in allen Facetten16.11.2024 - 18.05.2025
Di-So 10-18 h
Hühnermarkt 17, 52062 Aachen

The Couven Museum is housed in a listed old building from 1786, in which accessibility cannot be created. Only limited barrier-free access to some rooms on the ground floor is possible. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.

The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes` walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).

A disabled toilet is not available.

The exhibition rooms on the first and second floor are not barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

Once or twice a year and on request, trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the museum are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956
The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes’ walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).
The Couven Museum is a listed old building from 1786, in which complete accessibility cannot be achieved. Only limited barrier-free access, at ground level and without steps, is possible to some rooms on the ground floor. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.
Guided tours for groups can be conducted in easy language on request.
A disabled toilet is not available.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the Musuem are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956

Im Fluss
Eine Geschichte über das Wasser
17.11.2024 - 27.04.2025
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Di-So/Fei 11-18 h
Hans-Arp-Allee 1, 53424 Remagen

The Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck uses the historic station building and the modern museum building designed by the American architect Richard Meier. Both buildings are connected by a spectacular tunnel and the subsequent elevator tower.

There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum.

To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. Disabled-accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available in the foyer. 1 disabled toilet is located in the historic station and in the new building.

Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Audio guides (80) are available.

For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement.

Guided tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Tours in sign language and tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum. To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.
From the handicapped parking space you can reach the foyer via a level, step-free access.
There is one disabled toilet each in the historic station and in the new building.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. By train from Koblenz/Remagen
Coming, you will find a barrier-free elevator in the brown clad building in the direction of travel at the far end of the platform.
The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request
For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.
80 audio guides are available.
Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk. Audio guides (80) are available. For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Specially tailored tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Guided tours in sign language and special tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

All mediation offers can also be booked as integrative tours or workshops for people with and without disabilities.

24.11.2024 - 25.01.2026
Museum Schloss Moyland
Di-So 11-17 h
Am Schloss 4, 47551 Bedburg-Hau

The Moyland Castle Museum was founded in 1997 with the former Private collection of the brothers Hans and Franz Joseph van der Grinten with works from the 19th and 20th centuries, including the world`s largest collection of works by the artist Joseph Beuys, opened with the Joseph Beuys Archive and the museum library. The historic castle ensemble in the middle of the extensive gardens is a special attraction.

There are 2 signposted disabled parking spaces in front of the entrance to the museum by the ticket office. Access to the main building for wheelchair users is via a wheelchair elevator accessible from the outside. A bell is available.

All museum areas except for the north tower are barrier-free, the door widths in all museum areas are suitable for wheelchairs.

The height of the exhibits is appropriate for wheelchair users

1 disabled toilet is in the main building (castle), 1 disabled toilet is in the museum café (forecastle).

The museum café in the fore castle is barrier-free.

Folding stools, wheelchairs and magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Guided tours in simple language and for people with dementia diseases as well as workshops for different target groups are offered.

Accompanying persons have free entry to the museum.
Access to the main building for wheelchair users is via a wheelchair lift that is accessible from the outside at ground level.
There are 2 signposted disabled parking spaces in front of the entrance to the museum by the ticket office.

Access to the main building is via a wheelchair lift next to the staircase, which is accessible from the outside. A bell is available. The basement and upper floor can be reached by wheelchair elevator. The height of the exhibits is appropriate for wheelchair users
1 disabled toilet is in the main building (castle), 1 disabled toilet in the museum café (forecastle).
The ground-level museum café in the fore castle is barrier-free.
Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.
Guided tours for people with dementia changes as well as workshops for different target groups are offered.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops for different target groups are offered on request and according to individual needs. There are guided tours for people with dementia.

Museum Goch
Di-Fr 10-17, Sa/So 11-17 h
Kastellstraße 9, 47574 Goch

The Goch Museum is located in the former district court. 1 disabled parking space is located to the right of the main entrance. From here a flat paved ramp leads to the entrance. The door does not have an automatic door opener, but there is a doorbell at the entrance. The wheelchair-accessible elevator with a door width of 80 cm is located in the foyer. All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

1 disabled toilet is located next to the cloakroom in the open basement area. There are 3 disabled-friendly cloakrooms/lockers.

Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request. There are guided tours for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are available here. Workshops and guided tours are tailored to the needs and age of the participants.

The museum works with special needs schools and integrative kindergartens.

An assistance dog is allowed.
1 disabled parking space is located next to the main entrance.
There is a flat, paved ramp between the disabled parking space and the entrance, which takes you to the foyer.
1 disabled toilet is located next to the cloakroom in the open basement area.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free by elevator. However, the elevator is not suitable for wide electric wheelchairs.
Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request.
There are guided tours for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are available here. Workshops and guided tours are tailored to the needs of the participants.
An assistance dog is allowed.
There are guided tours for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are available here. Workshops and guided tours are tailored to the needs of the participants. Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request. Workshops and guided tours are tailored to the needs and age of the participants. The museum works with special needs schools and integrative kindergartens.

Werke aus der Sammlung Kemp
27.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
Di-So 11-18, Do 11-21 h
Ehrenhof 4-5, 40479 Düsseldorf

The Kunstpalast is located in two parts of the main courtyard. International temporary exhibitions are shown in the exhibition wing (0st). The Kemp Collection is also on display on the ground floor. The 2nd floor of the collection wing (west) also houses the 19th and 20th centuries as well as highlights from the collection. The collection wing houses the Hentrich Glass Museum (ground floor), the museum studio (ground floor), the graphic cabinet (ground floor), the 20th and 21st century collections (1st floor), the 11th - 16th century collections (1st floor ), as well as the 16th & 17th century collections (1st floor) and the Rubens Gallery (1st floor)

There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces inside. The entrance is via Brüderstrasse.

Access to the museum is at ground level in both parts of the building via a signposted side entrance. There is a bell or a door opener here. West side entrance, door width 120 cm, East side entrance, door width 80 cm. The wheelchair elevator takes you to the ground floor of the exhibition wing and the collection wing.

Disabled toilets are located on the ground floor of both parts of the building.
In both parts of the museum, all levels can be reached barrier-free with the elevators.

The museum cafe on the 1st floor of the exhibition wing can be reached barrier-free by elevator.

Audio guides are available for the collection and large temporary exhibitions.

Folding stools and 2 rental wheelchairs are available.

Events for special needs schools are possible by arrangement. Contact: bildung@smkp.de, Tel.: 0211-566160.

An assistance dog is allowed.
There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces inside. The entrance is via Brüderstrasse.
Access to the museum is at ground level in both parts of the building via a side entrance. There is a bell or a door opener here. The wheelchair elevator then takes you to the ground floor. The side entrances are signposted. West side entrance, door width 120 cm, East side entrance, door width 80 cm.
Disabled toilets are located on the ground floor of both parts of the building.
In both parts of the museum, all levels can be reached barrier-free with the elevators.
The museum cafe on the 1st floor can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
On fixed dates, these tours are accompanied by a sign language interpreter. A place in one of these tandem tours costs €5 plus the respective entrance fee.
Folding stools and 2 rental wheelchairs are available.

Events for special needs schools are possible by arrangement. Tel.: 0211-566160
Audio guides are available for the collection and large temporary exhibitions. Information on this can be found on the information pages of the individual exhibitions.
Assistance dogs are allowed.

Frauke Dannert – Desert After Rain
Reihe New Perspectives im Leonora-Carrington-Saal
29.11.2024 - 09.03.2025
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
Di-So 11-18, 1. Do im Monat 11-21 h
Max-Ernst-Allee 1 / Comesstraße 42, 50321 Brühl

The Max Ernst Museum opened in 2005. The building complex is a combination of old and new. The classical three-wing complex from the 19th century was expanded to include a centrally inserted glass pavilion and additional exhibition and event rooms in the basement.

There are 2 disabled parking spaces in the museum car park. From there you can reach the barrier-free side entrance with the wheelchair elevator (bell accessible for wheelchair users, automatic door).

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.

To avoid waiting times for you, we ask that you make a reservation. Tel.: +49 (0) 22 32 / 57 93 -117, email: shop.mem@rheinlandkultur.de

The house is handicap accessible. A disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine level, which can be reached by elevator. The stairs are equipped with banisters on both sides. Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.

Wheelchairs, walkers and stools can be borrowed. The service staff is available for assistance.

The images are at 1.5-1.6 m in height. There are also tactile exhibits. The works of art are illuminated in the best possible way. It is guaranteed that the showcases can be driven under.

There is an extensive range of mediation services for the blind and visually impaired, for the deaf and hearing impaired, for people with intellectual disabilities and for people with and without dementia. A program booklet will be created for this purpose, which is available in the museum and can be requested. Other offers for people with special needs are available on request.

10 folding stools, 3 wheelchairs and 1 walker can be borrowed. 45 audio guides are available with tours for adults, children and in plain language.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available in the museum car park. From there you can reach the side entrance with the wheelchair lift at ground level.

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.
Access for wheelchair users is at ground level via a flat ramp.
Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.
1 disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine. The toilet can be reached by elevator.
There are guided tours and workshops for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are used for this.
The "Chez Max" museum café is barrier-free.
There are 45 paid audio guides available. Audio tours are offered for adults, children and in plain language.
Plain language audio guides are available
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Es können 10 Klapphocker ausgeliehen werden. 3 Leihrollstühle stehen zur Verfügung. Es werden Workshops für Blinde und Sehbehinderte, Gehörlöse und Hörgeschädigte sowie Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und mit Demenz angeboten. Dazu wird ein Programmheft erstellt, das im Museum ausliegt und angefragt werden kann.

Die Bilder sind auf 1,5-1,6 m Höhe. Außerdem gibt es taktile Exponate. Die Kunstwerke sind bestmöglich ausgeleuchtet. Unterfahrbarkeit der Vitrinen ist gewährleistet.
Videos in sign language about the artist Max Ernst, the house and the collection can be accessed on the website.

Ruth Marten – All About Eve01.12.2024 - 21.04.2025
Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders
Di/Fr 14-18, Mi/Sa 10-18, Do 14-20, So/Fei 11-18 h
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 8, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
02202-142334, 142356

The Villa Zanders is a former industrial villa of the Zanders family, today only a few steps away from the train station, town hall and pedestrian zone. After completion of a renovation in the years 1986-1992, the museum regularly offers changing exhibitions on three floors and around 1500 square meters, mostly with contemporary art.

There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus (address: An der Gohrsmühle).

The Villa Zanders Art Museum is handicapped accessible and easily accessible for wheelchair users via a ramp (side entrance). All floors of the house are accessible via the elevator. A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.

1 rental wheelchair is available. The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.

In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.
There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus, street: An der Gohrsmühle.
Access to the museum for wheelchair users is via a ramp (side entrance).
All levels of the museum can be reached via the wheelchair-accessible elevator.
A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer. In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.

Künstlerische Nachbarschaft
Werke der belgischen und niederländischen Romantik des 19. Jahrhunderts
04.12.2024 - 31.12.2025
Di-Fr 15-18, Mi 12-20, Sa/So 11-18 h
Wilhelmstraße 18, 52070 Aachen

Since 1901 the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum has been housed in the Villa Cassalette, which is a listed building.

The Apag multi-storey car park (Adalbertsteinweg 34) is located near the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum and has 4 designated disabled parking spaces on the entrance level. Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless through the main entrance. If necessary, the door will be opened by the staff in the adjacent checkout area.

All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with lifts.

1 disabled toilet is located in the basement.

Folding stools can be borrowed, a reservation is recommended.

Audio guides are available on request.

Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request. (Phone: 0241-432-4998, email: museumspaedagogik@mail.aachen.de)

Assistance dogs are allowed on request.
The Apag multi-storey car park (Adalbertsteinweg 34) with 4 designated disabled parking spaces on the entrance level is located nearby.
Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless through the main entrance. If necessary, the door will be opened by the staff in the adjacent checkout area.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with lifts.
Audio guides are available on request.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
Assistance dogs are allowed on request.
Folding stools can be borrowed, reservations are recommended. Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.

Eine Ausstellung der Bundeskunsthalle und der UNCCD-G20 Global Land Initiative
06.12.2024 - 01.06.2025
Di/Mi 10-21, Do-So/Fei 10-19 h
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 4, 53113 Bonn

Public parking spaces for the disabled are available in the vicinity of the Bundeskunsthalle. These are located near the main entrance to the Bundeskunsthalle by the taxi ranks (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee), at Museumsplatz on Emil-Nolde-Straße and in the (chargeable) multi-storey car park on Joseph-Beuys-Allee. The distance from the multi-storey car park to the Bundeskunsthalle is approx. 250 metres.

The square in front of the Bundeskunsthalle is gravel or, coming from Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, paved with cobblestones. The entrance area of ​​the Bundeskunsthalle is equipped with a wheelchair ramp. The entrance door to the left of the three revolving doors is at ground level. A door opener is available.

All floors of the Bundeskunsthalle are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators.

Disabled toilets are located in the central toilet in the basement. You can access the "Forum" event hall after registering in good time, accompanied by a museum employee.

Wheelchairs can be borrowed free of charge from the cloakroom. A reservation under Tel.: 0228-9171132 is recommended. In front of all entrances to the exhibitions there are folding stools that can be borrowed.

Tactile tours are offered for all major exhibitions. If no tactile objects are available, detailed descriptive tours will take place instead. Different materials, which enable a sensual approach, and plans as well as explanations in Braille are used as an accompaniment.

Guide dogs for the blind are allowed in the exhibition rooms.

The "Speisesaal" restaurant can be reached from the foyer of the Bundeskunsthalle at ground level. The door widths are suitable for wheelchair users. The café bar of the Bundeskunsthalle is located in the foyer and is accessible without restrictions.
There are several public parking spaces and other disabled parking spaces in the vicinity of the Bundeskunsthalle. These are located near the main entrance to the Bundeskunsthalle by the taxi ranks (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee), at Museumsplatz on Emil-Nolde-Straße and in the (chargeable) multi-storey car park on Joseph-Beuys-Allee. The distance from the multi-storey car park to the Bundeskunsthalle is approx. 250 metres.
The square in front of the Bundeskunsthalle is gravel or, coming from Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, paved with cobblestones. The entrance area of ​​the Bundeskunsthalle is equipped with a wheelchair ramp. The entrance door to the left of the revolving doors is at ground level. A door opener is available.
All floors of the Bundeskunsthalle are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators. Wheelchair-accessible toilets are located in the central toilet in the basement.
Disabled toilets are located in the central toilet in the basement and can be reached barrier-free via the elevator.
Tactile tours are offered for all major exhibitions. Where tactile objects are not available, descriptive tours are provided using a variety of sensory access materials, accompanied by maps and explanations in Braille.

Guide dogs for the blind are allowed in the exhibition rooms.
An induction loop for the audio guide device is available free of charge for people who use hearing aids.
Guided tours are offered in plain language.

All important information can be called up in easy-to-understand language on the website of the Bundeskunsthalle.
Guide dogs for the blind are allowed in the exhibition rooms.
For people with dementia changes, the Bundeskunsthalle offers a program specially tailored to the needs of this visitor group.
Audio guides can be borrowed. The volume on the audio guides is adjustable. Portable induction loops are available free of charge for users of hearing aids and cochlear implants.
The "Speisesaal" restaurant can be reached from the foyer of the Bundeskunsthalle at ground level. The door widths are suitable for wheelchair users. The café bar of the Bundeskunsthalle is located in the foyer and is accessible without restrictions.
Wheelchairs can be borrowed free of charge from the cloakroom. A reservation under Tel.: 0228-9171132 is recommended. In front of all entrances to the exhibitions there are folding stools that can be borrowed. An induction loop for the audio guide device is available free of charge for people who use hearing aids.

In the Bundeskunsthalle, people with various disabilities can use a wide range of mediation services. For people with dementia changes, the Bundeskunsthalle offers a program specially tailored to the needs of this visitor group.

All important information can be called up in easy-to-understand language on the website of the Bundeskunsthalle.

Tim Roßberg – Imagined Dimensions
Reihe Winterlicht
14.12.2024 - 23.02.2025
Vernissage: 14.12.2024 16 Uhr
DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
Di-Sa 14-18, So/Fei 11-18 h
Klosterstr. 10, 48477 Hörstel

The DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst uses the more than 750-year-old complex of the Cistercian monastery Gravenhorst, which was almost completely reconstructed in 2004, for participatory art production and exhibition projects.

There is a marked parking space for people with disabilities (parking space size 310 x 400 cm) on the south side of the monastery grounds (drive from Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße onto Waldstraße and turn right behind the monastery pond).

Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance to the left of the stairs to the main entrance. The supervisory staff can be reached there via a bell. From there you can access the wheelchair-accessible elevator. The colleagues will be happy to help you access the individual exhibition areas.

There are 2 disabled toilets available. 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the west wing under the exhibition hall, 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the south wing, below the restaurant area. The public toilet for people with disabilities has handles that can be folded up on the left and right. The sink is wheelchair accessible. The mirror can be viewed while sitting or standing. There is also a cord as an alarm trigger.

The basement, exhibition hall, foyer area and upper floor can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator with door widths greater than or equal to 90 cm.

The Café Klara in the south wing is at ground level and barrier-free accessible.

Guided tours for blind and visually impaired people are available on request. The tour The Dissolution of Seeing with Touch Tablets can also be booked on request.

For events in the large hall, there is an induction loop for people with hearing impairments.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

A total of 19 To Go folding chairs can be borrowed in the foyer. In the basement in the west wing there are 5 lockers suitable for the disabled.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces available in the public car park at Gravenhorst Monastery (Hoppen Garten car park). The journey is via Friedrich-Wilhelm-Strasse.
Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance to the left of the stairs to the main entrance. Employees can be reached there via a bell.
The basement, exhibition hall, foyer area and upper floor can be reached via a wheelchair-accessible elevator with door widths greater than or equal to 90 cm.
There are 2 disabled toilets to disposal. 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the west wing under the exhibition hall, 1 sanitary room is located in the basement of the south wing, below the restaurant area.
On request, guided tours for blind and visually impaired people are offered. The tour The Dissolution of Vision with tactile tablets can also be booked on request.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The Café Klara in the south wing is at ground level and barrier-free accessible.
Bei Veranstaltungen im großen Saal gibt es für Menschen mit Hörbehinderung eine Induktionsschleife.
A total of 19 folding chairs to go can be borrowed in the foyer. In the basement in the west wing there are 5 lockers suitable for the disabled.

Winterleuchten. Ein Museum zeigt, was in ihm steckt!21.12.2024 - 28.02.2025
Di-So 10-18 h
Hühnermarkt 17, 52062 Aachen

The Couven Museum is housed in a listed old building from 1786, in which accessibility cannot be created. Only limited barrier-free access to some rooms on the ground floor is possible. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.

The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes` walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).

A disabled toilet is not available.

The exhibition rooms on the first and second floor are not barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.

Once or twice a year and on request, trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the museum are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956
The Couven Museum does not have its own disabled parking space, as it is located in the pedestrian zone, which is closed to cars. However, there are several parking garages near the museum. There are 5 disabled parking spaces in the Rathaus multi-storey car park (Mostardstraße 5), just a few minutes’ walk away. A disabled-accessible city map with all disabled parking spaces around the museum can be found on the museum`s website (PDF).
The Couven Museum is a listed old building from 1786, in which complete accessibility cannot be achieved. Only limited barrier-free access, at ground level and without steps, is possible to some rooms on the ground floor. The door widths there are suitable for wheelchair users.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Trained employees take blind and visually impaired visitors on a tour of the museum with many different sensory impressions. Tactile objects are also available here.
Guided tours for groups can be conducted in easy language on request.
A disabled toilet is not available.

Folding stools To Go (20) are available.

Contact persons in the Musuem are Frank Pohlo and Carmen Roubers. Phone: 0241-4324956

Museum A bis Z: Von Anfang bis Zukunft10.01.2025 - 10.01.2027
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Update Cologne #08 Wolfgang Lüttgens12.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung
Mi & Fr 15.30-18.30, So 11-14 h u.n.V.
Wormser Straße 23, 50677 Köln

Terry Buchholz, Markus Müßinghof17.01.2025 - 21.02.2025
Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal
Mi-Fr 17-20, Sa/So/Fei 15-18 h
Hofaue 51, 42103 Wuppertal

Andreas Johnen – Einfache Verhältnisse18.01.2025 - 08.03.2025
Galerie Grölle
Fr, Sa 15-18 h
Platanenstrasse 11, 40233 Düsseldorf

Nikola Dimitrov, Eberhard Ross, Klaus Schneider – Bildklang Klangbild
19.01.2025 - 30.03.2025
Vernissage: 19.12.2024 12 Uhr
gkg Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung e.V.
Mi-Fr 15-18, Sa 14-17, So 11-14 h
Hochstadenring 22, 53119 Bonn

It’s a match! Felix Krämer x Jakob Schwerdtfeger19.01.2025 - 01.03.2025
Städtische Galerie im Park
Di,Mi,Fr,Sa 15-18, Do 15-20, So & Fei 11-18 h
Rathauspark 1, 41747 Viersen

There are 4 disabled parking spaces in front of the house.

To the right of the main entrance there is a level and step-free side entrance. Here you can call the supervisory staff with a bell.

The elevator is suitable for wheelchairs and allows barrier-free access to all floors. All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users.

1 disabled toilet is located in the basement. There are also handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers.

All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs. Lightweight mobile chairs are available.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in front of the buidling.
To the right of the main entrance there is a level and step-free side entrance. Here you can call the supervisory staff with a bell.
The elevator is suitable for wheelchairs and allows barrier-free access to all floors. All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement. There are also handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs. Lightweight mobile chairs are available.

Ari Benjamin Meyers – Hymnus (Fankurve)
19.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg
Di-So 11-18 h
Abteistraße 27, 41061 Mönchengladbach

The Museum Abteiberg, designed by Hans Hollein, is one of the internationally renowned museum buildings and was inaugurated in 1982. In 1985 it received the "Pritzker Award". The building complex is adapted to an extreme hillside and extends over three levels.

1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistraße 27. Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance.

A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. A cloakroom supervised by staff is located in the cash desk area.

With the exception of the pyramid room, all levels of the museum (entrance level, slab level, garden level) can be reached barrier-free via the elevator (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm) and flat ramps. All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Folding stools (30) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries to Uwe Riedel on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistrasse 27.
Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance
A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level (basement) and can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
The three levels of the museum, entrance level (EG), plate level (OG) and garden level (UG) can be reached barrier-free with the lift. (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm). The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
Guided tours are offered in easy language.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered.
Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.
Audio guides (25) are available. Folding stools (30) can be borrowed.

1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

Uwe van Afferden – Jute Bilder
02.02.2025 - 01.03.2025
Vernissage: 02.02.2025 15 Uhr
Burkhard Eikelmann Galerie
Di-Fr 10-19, Sa 10-15 h
Dominikanerstr. 11, 40545 Düsseldorf

die von drüben. Kunst aus Ostbelgien07.02.2025 - 09.03.2025
Atelierhaus Aachen e.V.
Di-Fr 10-12 h u.n.V.
Talstraße 2, 52068 Aachen

Wols. Ewald Rathke Collection.07.02.2025 - 05.04.2025
Galerie Karsten Greve
Di-Fr 10-18.30, Sa 10-18 h
Drususgasse 1-5, 50667 Köln

Sandra Ackermann – Anthropozoikum
Collagen, Zeichnungen
08.02.2025 - 22.03.2025
Galerie Voss
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-14 h u.n.V.
Mühlengasse 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Axel Hütte – Stille Weiten
09.02.2025 - 15.06.2025
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Di-So/Fei 11-18 h
Hans-Arp-Allee 1, 53424 Remagen

The Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck uses the historic station building and the modern museum building designed by the American architect Richard Meier. Both buildings are connected by a spectacular tunnel and the subsequent elevator tower.

There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum.

To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. Disabled-accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available in the foyer. 1 disabled toilet is located in the historic station and in the new building.

Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Audio guides (80) are available.

For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement.

Guided tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Tours in sign language and tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum. To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.
From the handicapped parking space you can reach the foyer via a level, step-free access.
There is one disabled toilet each in the historic station and in the new building.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. By train from Koblenz/Remagen
Coming, you will find a barrier-free elevator in the brown clad building in the direction of travel at the far end of the platform.
The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request
For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.
80 audio guides are available.
Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk. Audio guides (80) are available. For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Specially tailored tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Guided tours in sign language and special tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

All mediation offers can also be booked as integrative tours or workshops for people with and without disabilities.

Jürgen Paatz – Untitled
09.02.2025 - 21.03.2025
Hengesbach Gallery
Mo-Fr 13-18 h
Vogelsangstraße 20, 42109 Wuppertal

Rune Mields: Zum 90. Geburtstag
Einzelpräsentation in der Sammlung
10.02.2025 - 04.05.2025
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Di-So 11-18, Mi 11-21 h
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2, 53113 Bonn

The Kunstmuseum Bonn has been housed in a building since 1982 that can be described as an architectural highlight and offers the best conditions for the presentation of art. The building by Axel Schultes impresses from the outside and inside with its openness and lighting. There is a connection to the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Museumsplatz.

There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets Friedrich-Ebert-Allee and Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor. Access to the museum building is at ground level and stepless through barrier-free doors next to the two main entrances (revolving doors) to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station.

All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm). Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.

The museum café is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.

2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments.

The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language can be booked on request. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor.
Level, stepless access through barrier-free doors next to the revolving doors to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station (main entrances).
All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm).
Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.
The museum cafe is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired can be booked on request.
Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request.
2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments. The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de
An assistance dog is allowed.

MOTHER – Renate Bertlmann, Yasmina Assbane11.02.2025 - 31.03.2025
Vernissage: 11.02.2025 19 Uhr
Galerie Gisela Clement
Mi-Fr 14-18, Sa 13-17 h u.n.V.
Lotharstr. 104, 53115 Bonn

Marlene Dammers – Übergriffe/Vereinnahmungen14.02.2025 - 02.03.2025
Vernissage: 14.02.2025 19 Uhr
Galerie im Atelierhaus E71
Sa/So 12-16 h u.n.V.
Eickenerstraße 71, 41061 Mönchengladbach

Beatrice Richter – From a Distance15.02.2025 - 01.03.2025
Vernissage: 15.02.2025 18 Uhr
Städtische Galerie im Park
Di,Mi,Fr,Sa 15-18, Do 15-20, So & Fei 11-18 h
Rathauspark 1, 41747 Viersen

There are 4 disabled parking spaces in front of the house.

To the right of the main entrance there is a level and step-free side entrance. Here you can call the supervisory staff with a bell.

The elevator is suitable for wheelchairs and allows barrier-free access to all floors. All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users.

1 disabled toilet is located in the basement. There are also handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers.

All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs. Lightweight mobile chairs are available.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in front of the buidling.
To the right of the main entrance there is a level and step-free side entrance. Here you can call the supervisory staff with a bell.
The elevator is suitable for wheelchairs and allows barrier-free access to all floors. All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs.
1 disabled toilet is located in the basement. There are also handicapped accessible cloakrooms/lockers.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
All door widths in the house are suitable for wheelchair users. Media tables can be approached and operated with wheelchairs. Lightweight mobile chairs are available.

Maurice de Vlaminck. Rebell der Moderne16.02.2025 - 18.05.2025
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Farbe und Licht. Fokus auf die Sammlung16.02.2025 - 27.07.2025
Vernissage: 16.02.2025 11.30 Uhr
Museum Ratingen
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa/So 11-18 h
Peter-Brüning-Platz 1, 40878 Ratingen

The Ratingen Museum houses the municipal collection of modern art, the Johann Peter Melchior Collection and the cultural and historical exhibition on the history and development of Ratingen. Special exhibitions supplement the permanent presentations. Together with the media center, the museum has its own parking garage. There are two designated disabled parking spaces.

The running time from there to the museum is about 7 minutes. Access for wheelchair users is at ground level and stepless via the side entrance to the administration. There is a bell here that says "Museum".

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

A wheelchair elevator in the museum can be used on request.

A wheelchair-accessible toilet in the basement can be reached barrier-free via the wheelchair elevator.

The museum café in the foyer is barrier-free.

Folding stools, 1 wheelchair and magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered.

Tactile objects are available.

Guided tours in plain language and in sign language are organized on request.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Together with the media center, the museum has its own parking garage. There are two designated disabled parking spaces. The walking time from there to the museum is 7 minutes.
Access to the museum for wheelchair users is at ground level and stepless via the side entrance to the administration. There is a bell here that says "Museum". The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
A wheelchair lift can be used on request.
A wheelchair-accessible toilet in the basement can be reached barrier-free via the wheelchair elevator.
The museum café in the foyer is barrier-free.
Guided tours are offered for the blind and visually impaired. Tactile objects are available.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request.
Guided tours in easy-to-understand language are available on request.
An assistance dog is allowed.
Folding stools, a wheelchair and magnifying glasses can be borrowed. Guided tours and workshops are offered for different target groups.

TWODO Collection: 2020-202416.02.2025 - 20.04.2025
Vernissage: 15.01.2025 19-23 Uhr
NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Di-So 14-18 h
Passstraße 29, 52070 Aachen

Zwiegespräche – mit Fotografien von Corina Gertz16.02.2025 - 10.08.2025
Vernissage: 16.02.2025 11 Uhr
Deutsches Textilmuseum
Di-So 11-17 h
Andreasmarkt 8, 47809 Krefeld

5 Projekte zu Gast im Kunstmuseum Bonn
18.02.2025 - 06.04.2025
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Di-So 11-18, Mi 11-21 h
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2, 53113 Bonn

The Kunstmuseum Bonn has been housed in a building since 1982 that can be described as an architectural highlight and offers the best conditions for the presentation of art. The building by Axel Schultes impresses from the outside and inside with its openness and lighting. There is a connection to the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Museumsplatz.

There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets Friedrich-Ebert-Allee and Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor. Access to the museum building is at ground level and stepless through barrier-free doors next to the two main entrances (revolving doors) to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station.

All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm). Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.

The museum café is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.

2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments.

The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language can be booked on request. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 6 disabled parking spaces on the streets: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, Emil-Nolde-Straße. In the nearby car park at the corner of Emil-Nolde-Straße/Joseph-Beuys-Allee there are also 2 disabled parking spaces on each floor.
Level, stepless access through barrier-free doors next to the revolving doors to Emil-Nolde-Straße and to the underground station (main entrances).
All levels of the museum are barrier-free accessible with the elevator next to the main staircase (door width 80 cm).
Disabled toilets are located in the basement of the museum. A medical room with a couch is also available in the basement.
The museum cafe is barrier-free accessible from the museum foyer and the outside area.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired can be booked on request.
Guided tours in simple language can be booked on request.
2 wheelchairs are available for hire at the staffed cloakroom in the basement. Folding stools can also be borrowed.

The mediation offer focuses on learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, dementia changes, mental impairments. The experienced team of educators responds to individual requests and creates individual programs for your visit to the museum.

The museum workshop is on the ground floor and is barrier-free. Information and registration at: 0228-776230, Email: bildung.vermittlung@bonn.de
An assistance dog is allowed.

Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger22.02.2025 - 31.08.2025
K21 Ständehaus
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1.Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Ständehausstrasse 1, 40217 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free.

2 disabled parking spaces for K21 Standehaus are located in front of the building. Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance.

A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.

All levels of the K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via a lift.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers. All door widths in K21 Ständehaus are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed Pardo Bar on the ground floor is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.

2 disabled parking spaces are available in the closed interior area next to the building. There is an intercom in the Elisbethstraße 5 area, the barrier is opened by the control center on request.
Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance. A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
All levels of K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via an elevator
Audio guides are available for some exhibitions.
Für gehörlose und hörgeschädigte Besucher bietet die Kunstsammlung Führungen in Gebärdensprache an.
Für einzelne Ausstellungen stehen Audioguides in Leichter Sprache zur Verfügung.
Assistance dogs are aloowed
Die künstlerisch gestaltete Pardo Bar im EG ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

Hans Jürgen Vorstaz zum 80. Geburtstag
Werkschau im Souterrain
23.02.2025 - 07.09.2025
Lehmbruck Museum
Mi-Sa 12-18, Do 12-22, So11-18 h
Düsseldorfer Straße 51, 47051 Duisburg

The Lehmbruck Museum extends over several parts of the building and is not completely barrier-free. Wheelchair users can reach the old building via ramps and elevators, but the new building with the glass hall is only partially accessible without an accompanying person. The staff car park can be used by disabled people on request from the art education department. Tel.: 0203-2832195, email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de.

Step-free access at ground level is via the side entrance at Düsseldorferstr. 51 possible. The wheelchair elevator, which is accessible from the outside (address: Friedrich Wilhelm Str. 40), takes you to the entrance area with the cash desk. Barrier-free entrances are marked.

1 disabled toilet is located in the new building and can be reached via a lift if accompanied by the staff. The door widths are suitable for wheelchairs in all parts of the building.

1 wheelchair and folding stool (100) can be borrowed.

An assistance dog is allowed.

Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs, such as people with cognitive disabilities.

Guided tours in sign language as well as tactile tours can be booked. Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

The Café Museum is a pub within sight of the museum, which can be reached on foot and at ground level. Address: Friedrich Wilhelm Straße 64. This restaurant is not operated by the Lehmbruck Museum.
The staff car park can be used by wheelchair users on request at the art education office. Tel.: 0203-2832195, email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de
Level, stepless access via the side entrance Düsseldorferstr. 51.
1 disabled toilet is located in the new building and can be reached via a lift if accompanied by the staff.
The basement can be reached with the Rolli stair lift in the glass hall.
Tactile tours can be booked. The Lehmbruck box contains objects and aids that can be used for guided tours to the permanent collection for blind and visually impaired people.
Guided tours in sign language can be booked.
Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.
An assistance dog is allowed.
Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs, such as people with cognitive disabilities. The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de
The Café Museum is a pub within sight of the museum, which can be reached on foot and at ground level. Address: Friedrich Wilhelm Straße 64. This restaurant is not operated by the Lehmbruck Museum.
Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs such as the blind and visually impaired as well as people with cognitive impairments. Tours in sign language and tactile tours can be booked.

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

Malte Sonnenfeld02.03.2025 - 30.03.2025
Vernissage: 02.03.2025 17 Uhr
Kunstfenster Rheydt
Hauptstr. 125, 41236 Mönchengladbach

Junges Forum07.03.2025 - 06.04.2025
GKK Kunstspektrum
Mo/Do 16-20, Sa 11-14 h
St.-Anton-Straße 90, 47798 Krefeld

Andreas Keil, Georg Schmidt, Anna Judith Schmidt – In Farbe
08.03.2025 - 04.05.2025
Vernissage: 08.03.2025 19:30 Uhr
MMIII Kunstverein Mönchengladbach e.V.
So 11-14 h u.n.V.
Rudolf Boetzelen Silo, Künkelstr. 125, 41063 Mönchengladbach

Peter Buggenhout – Umleitung
08.03.2025 - 29.06.2025
Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden
März-Nov Di-So 10-18 h
Hirschstraße 12, 42285 Wuppertal

Martin Schüten – ...,das Auge sieht mit.09.03.2025 - 23.03.2025
Vernissage: 09.03.2025 11:30 Uhr
Fr 17-19, Sa/So 14-16:30 h u.n.V.
Matthiasstrasse 10, 41063 Mönchengladbach

Nadja Nafe – Als ich so dasaß09.03.2025 - 30.03.2025
Vernissage: 09.03.2025 11 Uhr
Brühler Kunstverein
Mi-So 15-17 h während der Ausstellungen
Clemens-August-Straße 24, 50321 Brühl

Arik Levy, Holger Titschak
Skulpturen, Papierarbeiten, Malerei
12.03.2025 - 21.12.2025
Museum DKM
Sa-So 12-18 h, 1ter Fr im Monat 12-18h, Mo-Fr n.V.
Güntherstraße 13-15, 47051 Duisburg

The DKM Museum is located in the center of Duisburg city center in the immediate vicinity of the main train station. The private exhibition house, named after the initials of the donors and museum founders Dirk Krämer and Klaus Maas, was opened in 2009. The former residential and commercial property from the 1960s has 2,700 square meters of exhibition space on five floors.

A parking space for wheelchair users can be made available in the inner courtyard by prior arrangement. Access is via a flat ramp leading from the walkway to the main entrance. The entrance door opens automatically. There is also a bell.

1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor in the foyer area. Some of the lockers in the foyer are handicapped accessible and start in the foot area. Four floors of the museum (basement, ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor) are barrier-free accessible by elevator.

1 person is always in the house as an accompaniment.

The museum bar in the foyer is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.
A parking space for wheelchair users can be made available in the inner courtyard by prior arrangement.
Access for wheelchair users is via a flat ramp leading from the sidewalk to the main entrance. The front door opens automatically. There is also a bell.
Four floors of the museum (basement, ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor) are barrier-free accessible by elevator.
1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor (foyer area).
The museum bar in the foyer is barrier-free.
Some of the lockers are handicapped accessible and start in the foot area. 1 person is always in the house as an accompaniment. guided tours for different target groups are offered
An assistance dog is allowed.

Shamsudin Achmadow
14.03.2025 - 30.03.2025
Vernissage: 14.03.2025 19 Uhr
Galerie im Atelierhaus E71
Sa/So 12-16 h u.n.V.
Eickenerstraße 71, 41061 Mönchengladbach

Chagall15.03.2025 - 10.08.2025
K20 Grabbeplatz
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1. Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Grabbeplatz 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free. Disabled parking spaces for K20 are located in the underground car park. Access to K20 is via a flat ramp (main entrance).

All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers.

All door widths in K20 are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.

Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in the underground car park under K20 Grabbeplatz.
Access to K20 is via a flat ramp. (Main entrance)
1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.
The café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.
The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Information on guided tours and mediation offers from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.
Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.

Park McArthur
Ausstellung in Kooperation mit dem mumok Wien
15.03.2025 - 28.09.2025
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg
Di-So 11-18 h
Abteistraße 27, 41061 Mönchengladbach

The Museum Abteiberg, designed by Hans Hollein, is one of the internationally renowned museum buildings and was inaugurated in 1982. In 1985 it received the "Pritzker Award". The building complex is adapted to an extreme hillside and extends over three levels.

1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistraße 27. Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance.

A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level in the basement and can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. A cloakroom supervised by staff is located in the cash desk area.

With the exception of the pyramid room, all levels of the museum (entrance level, slab level, garden level) can be reached barrier-free via the elevator (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm) and flat ramps. All door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Folding stools (30) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries to Uwe Riedel on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
1 disabled parking space is available at Abteistrasse 27.
Access to the building for wheelchair users is stepless via a flat ramp next to the stairs to the Abteistraße entrance
A wheelchair-accessible toilet is located on the garden level (basement) and can be reached barrier-free by elevator.
The three levels of the museum, entrance level (EG), plate level (OG) and garden level (UG) can be reached barrier-free with the lift. (door width 80 cm, inner surface 110 x 140 cm). The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.
Guided tours are offered in easy language.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are offered.
Audio guides (25) are available. The texts of the audio guide can be downloaded from the museum website.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The museum café (entrance level) is barrier-free.
Audio guides (25) are available. Folding stools (30) can be borrowed.

1 wheelchair can be borrowed.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired and in simple language are offered. The museum education department offers workshops for different target groups. Inquiries on Tel.: 02161-252636 Email: riedel@museum-abteiberg.de

Und wir fangen gerade erst an
Künstlerinnen und Künstler des VdDK 1844
15.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Di-Sa 12-19, So/Fei 11-18 h
Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf

The Kunsthalle`s concrete cube, built in 1967, houses the two independent institutions Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westphalia.

The Kunsthalle is a house for temporary exhibitions without its own collection. Tendencies and positions in contemporary art and their historical and local reference points are at the center of the program.

Due to the structural conditions, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf is not completely barrier-free.

In the car park opposite under the North Rhine-Westphalia Art Collection at Grabbeplatz 5, there are 5 designated disabled parking spaces. From the parking lot, take the exit to the street and then to the Kunsthalle. The car park staff will be happy to help and can be called on Tel.: 0176-37765668. The distance to the Kunsthalle opposite is about 100 meters.

Access to the building for wheelchair users is at ground level via a rear entrance.

The supervisory staff is called with a bell at the main entrance to the left of the stairs in the bookshop area. Accompanied by the supervisor, you can take the elevator to the exhibition levels on the 1st and 2nd floors.

The door widths throughout the house are suitable for wheelchair users.

There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.

20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed. Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions.

Workshops for different target groups are offered on request.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Im Parkhaus unter der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Grabbeplatz 5) stehen 5 ausgewiesene Behindertenparkplätze zur Verfügung. Vom Parkplatz geht es über die Ausfahrt zur Strasse. Das Personal ist behilflich und kann gerufen werden unter Tel.: 0176-37765668. Entfernung zur gegenüber liegenden Kunsthalle ca. 100 Meter.
Der Zugang zum Gebäude erfolgt für Rollstuhlfahrer ebenerdig über den Hintereingang. Mit einer Aussen-Klingel an der linken Gebäudeseite im Bereich der Buchhandlung wird das Aufsichtspersonal gerufen. In Begleitung der Aufsicht gelangt man mit dem Aufzug in die Ausstellungsebene im 1.OG und im 2. OG. Das Foyer und die Garderobe sind für Rollstuhlfahrer nicht zugänglich, das Personal ist Ihnen aber behilflich.
There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.
The exhibition rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors can be reached by elevator accompanied by the security staff.
Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request. An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.
Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions
An assistance dog is allowed.
20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Workshops are offered for different target groups.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.

Angela Glajcar16.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
Galerie Löhrl
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa 10-14 h
Kaiserstrasse 58/60, 41061 Mönchengladbach

Internationale Positionen aus den Bereichen Skulptur, Malerei und Medienkunst
22.03.2025 - 05.10.2025
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
Di-So 11-18, 1. Do im Monat 11-21 h
Max-Ernst-Allee 1 / Comesstraße 42, 50321 Brühl

The Max Ernst Museum opened in 2005. The building complex is a combination of old and new. The classical three-wing complex from the 19th century was expanded to include a centrally inserted glass pavilion and additional exhibition and event rooms in the basement.

There are 2 disabled parking spaces in the museum car park. From there you can reach the barrier-free side entrance with the wheelchair elevator (bell accessible for wheelchair users, automatic door).

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.

To avoid waiting times for you, we ask that you make a reservation. Tel.: +49 (0) 22 32 / 57 93 -117, email: shop.mem@rheinlandkultur.de

The house is handicap accessible. A disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine level, which can be reached by elevator. The stairs are equipped with banisters on both sides. Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.

Wheelchairs, walkers and stools can be borrowed. The service staff is available for assistance.

The images are at 1.5-1.6 m in height. There are also tactile exhibits. The works of art are illuminated in the best possible way. It is guaranteed that the showcases can be driven under.

There is an extensive range of mediation services for the blind and visually impaired, for the deaf and hearing impaired, for people with intellectual disabilities and for people with and without dementia. A program booklet will be created for this purpose, which is available in the museum and can be requested. Other offers for people with special needs are available on request.

10 folding stools, 3 wheelchairs and 1 walker can be borrowed. 45 audio guides are available with tours for adults, children and in plain language.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available in the museum car park. From there you can reach the side entrance with the wheelchair lift at ground level.

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.
Access for wheelchair users is at ground level via a flat ramp.
Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.
1 disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine. The toilet can be reached by elevator.
There are guided tours and workshops for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are used for this.
The "Chez Max" museum café is barrier-free.
There are 45 paid audio guides available. Audio tours are offered for adults, children and in plain language.
Plain language audio guides are available
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Es können 10 Klapphocker ausgeliehen werden. 3 Leihrollstühle stehen zur Verfügung. Es werden Workshops für Blinde und Sehbehinderte, Gehörlöse und Hörgeschädigte sowie Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und mit Demenz angeboten. Dazu wird ein Programmheft erstellt, das im Museum ausliegt und angefragt werden kann.

Die Bilder sind auf 1,5-1,6 m Höhe. Außerdem gibt es taktile Exponate. Die Kunstwerke sind bestmöglich ausgeleuchtet. Unterfahrbarkeit der Vitrinen ist gewährleistet.
Videos in sign language about the artist Max Ernst, the house and the collection can be accessed on the website.

Jens Wolf22.03.2025 - 09.05.2025
Galerie Grölle
Fr, Sa 15-18 h
Platanenstrasse 11, 40233 Düsseldorf

Mechanik und Menschlichkeit: Zum 100. Geburstag von Jean Tinguely und Eva Aeppli
23.03.2025 - 24.08.2025
Lehmbruck Museum
Mi-Sa 12-18, Do 12-22, So11-18 h
Düsseldorfer Straße 51, 47051 Duisburg

The Lehmbruck Museum extends over several parts of the building and is not completely barrier-free. Wheelchair users can reach the old building via ramps and elevators, but the new building with the glass hall is only partially accessible without an accompanying person. The staff car park can be used by disabled people on request from the art education department. Tel.: 0203-2832195, email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de.

Step-free access at ground level is via the side entrance at Düsseldorferstr. 51 possible. The wheelchair elevator, which is accessible from the outside (address: Friedrich Wilhelm Str. 40), takes you to the entrance area with the cash desk. Barrier-free entrances are marked.

1 disabled toilet is located in the new building and can be reached via a lift if accompanied by the staff. The door widths are suitable for wheelchairs in all parts of the building.

1 wheelchair and folding stool (100) can be borrowed.

An assistance dog is allowed.

Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs, such as people with cognitive disabilities.

Guided tours in sign language as well as tactile tours can be booked. Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

The Café Museum is a pub within sight of the museum, which can be reached on foot and at ground level. Address: Friedrich Wilhelm Straße 64. This restaurant is not operated by the Lehmbruck Museum.
The staff car park can be used by wheelchair users on request at the art education office. Tel.: 0203-2832195, email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de
Level, stepless access via the side entrance Düsseldorferstr. 51.
1 disabled toilet is located in the new building and can be reached via a lift if accompanied by the staff.
The basement can be reached with the Rolli stair lift in the glass hall.
Tactile tours can be booked. The Lehmbruck box contains objects and aids that can be used for guided tours to the permanent collection for blind and visually impaired people.
Guided tours in sign language can be booked.
Guided tours in simple language are carried out on request.
An assistance dog is allowed.
Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs, such as people with cognitive disabilities. The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de
The Café Museum is a pub within sight of the museum, which can be reached on foot and at ground level. Address: Friedrich Wilhelm Straße 64. This restaurant is not operated by the Lehmbruck Museum.
Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed. Target group-oriented educational programs are offered for people with special needs such as the blind and visually impaired as well as people with cognitive impairments. Tours in sign language and tactile tours can be booked.

The Art Education department provides information on the educational offer and accessibility on Tel.: 0203-2832195, Email: kunstvermittlung@lehmbruckmuseum.de

Wildnis28.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
Atelierhaus Aachen e.V.
Di-Fr 10-12 h u.n.V.
Talstraße 2, 52068 Aachen

Ulrike Theusner – Schattenseiten
Zeichnungen, Druckgrafiken, Gemälde
10.04.2025 - 17.08.2025
Museum August Macke Haus
Do 11-19, Fr/Sa/So 11-17 h
Hochstadenring 36, 53119 Bonn

The Museum August Macke Haus is dedicated to maintaining the memory and work of August Macke and the Rhenish Expressionists. The heart of the museum is August Macke`s former home and studio, which was expanded in 2017 with a spacious modern extension. This enables barrier-free access to the former house of the artist and, in addition to rooms for special exhibitions and events, includes a roof terrace, a museum educational studio, a library, the museum shop and a museum café with a terrace in the idyllic garden between the artist house and the extension, which is sealed off from the street by a high, free-standing glass facade. Access to the museum is via the ground-level, step-free main entrance in the annex. (Hochstadenstrasse) All 14 rooms of the former residential and studio building as well as all other publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via 2 wheelchair-accessible elevators.

A designated disabled parking space is located in the museum car park, Bornheimer Str. 98-100. The museum is at ground level and can be reached via the main entrance without steps. The entrance door opens automatically.

All levels of the museum are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators. Wheelchairs and walking frames are accessible on all levels and in all rooms of the museum.

A barrier-free disabled toilet and the cloakroom are located in the basement.

The café in the foyer area is barrier-free accessible via a flat ramp. The inner courtyard is at ground level and also easily accessible for wheelchair users from the foyer.

A wheelchair can be borrowed free of charge at the cash desk. This can be reserved in advance by phone: 0228-655531 or by email to buero(at)august-macke-haus.de. In addition, 10 folding stools can be borrowed free of charge.

A total of 48 audio guides are available.
The listening stations in the museum are accessible for wheelchair users.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request. Workshops for people with dementia changes are offered on request. Guided tours in sign language are available upon request.

Guide and assistance dogs, which are marked accordingly, may be taken into the museum.
A designated disabled parking space is located in the museum car park, Bornheimer Str. 98-100.
The museum is at ground level and can be reached via the main entrance without steps. The glass door opens automatically.
All levels of the museum are accessible via wheelchair-accessible elevators. Wheelchairs and walking frames are accessible on all levels and in all rooms of the museum.
The café in the foyer area is barrier-free accessible via a flat ramp. The inner courtyard is at ground level and also easily accessible for wheelchair users from the foyer.
A barrier-free disabled toilet and the cloakroom are located in the basement.
Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.
Guided tours in sign language are available upon request.
Guided tours in easy language are available on request.
A total of 48 audio guides are available, which can be borrowed at the ticket office.
A wheelchair can be borrowed free of charge at the cash desk. This can be reserved in advance on T 0228 655531 or by email to buero(at)august-macke-haus.de. In addition, 10 folding stools can be borrowed free of charge.

The audio stations in the museum are accessible for wheelchair users.

Workshops for people with dementia changes are offered on request. A rental wheelchair is available.
Guide and assistance dogs, which are marked accordingly, may be taken into the museum.

Christine Prause + Gäste – Zeichnung III 25.04.2025 - 25.05.2025
GKK Kunstspektrum
Mo/Do 16-20, Sa 11-14 h
St.-Anton-Straße 90, 47798 Krefeld

Julie Mehretu
Zeichnung, Malerei
10.05.2025 - 19.10.2025
K21 Ständehaus
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1.Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Ständehausstrasse 1, 40217 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free.

2 disabled parking spaces for K21 Standehaus are located in front of the building. Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance.

A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.

All levels of the K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via a lift.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers. All door widths in K21 Ständehaus are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed Pardo Bar on the ground floor is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.

2 disabled parking spaces are available in the closed interior area next to the building. There is an intercom in the Elisbethstraße 5 area, the barrier is opened by the control center on request.
Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance. A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
All levels of K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via an elevator
Audio guides are available for some exhibitions.
Für gehörlose und hörgeschädigte Besucher bietet die Kunstsammlung Führungen in Gebärdensprache an.
Für einzelne Ausstellungen stehen Audioguides in Leichter Sprache zur Verfügung.
Assistance dogs are aloowed
Die künstlerisch gestaltete Pardo Bar im EG ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

Sehnsucht nach Utopia
Kznst der Romantik 1770-1900
18.05.2025 - 02.11.2025
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Di-So/Fei 11-18 h
Hans-Arp-Allee 1, 53424 Remagen

The Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck uses the historic station building and the modern museum building designed by the American architect Richard Meier. Both buildings are connected by a spectacular tunnel and the subsequent elevator tower.

There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum.

To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.

Access to the museum is at ground level and stepless. Disabled-accessible cloakrooms/lockers are available in the foyer. 1 disabled toilet is located in the historic station and in the new building.

Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Audio guides (80) are available.

For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement.

Guided tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Tours in sign language and tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
There are 2 designated disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to the museum. To get there, turn right behind the museum car park up the hill (direction Wildpark Rolandseck), then turn right in front of the station building.
From the handicapped parking space you can reach the foyer via a level, step-free access.
There is one disabled toilet each in the historic station and in the new building.
All levels of the museum can be reached barrier-free with the elevator. By train from Koblenz/Remagen
Coming, you will find a barrier-free elevator in the brown clad building in the direction of travel at the far end of the platform.
The gastronomy in the historic train station is barrier-free accessible via the elevator from the foyer.
Guided tours are conducted in sign language upon request
For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.
80 audio guides are available.
Folding stools (100) and 1 wheelchair can be borrowed at the cash desk. Audio guides (80) are available. For people with hearing impairments who would like to take part in a public tour, hearing amplifiers (80) are available by prior arrangement and can be borrowed at the cash desk.

Specially tailored tours and workshops are offered for people with psychological or mental disabilities and for people with dementia.

Guided tours in sign language and special tours for people with hearing impairments can be booked.

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.

All mediation offers can also be booked as integrative tours or workshops for people with and without disabilities.

Kunst ohne Grund
Hängende Skulpturen und Installationen aus Papier
24.05.2025 - 26.10.2025
Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders
Di/Fr 14-18, Mi/Sa 10-18, Do 14-20, So/Fei 11-18 h
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 8, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
02202-142334, 142356

The Villa Zanders is a former industrial villa of the Zanders family, today only a few steps away from the train station, town hall and pedestrian zone. After completion of a renovation in the years 1986-1992, the museum regularly offers changing exhibitions on three floors and around 1500 square meters, mostly with contemporary art.

There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus (address: An der Gohrsmühle).

The Villa Zanders Art Museum is handicapped accessible and easily accessible for wheelchair users via a ramp (side entrance). All floors of the house are accessible via the elevator. A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.

1 rental wheelchair is available. The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.

In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.
There are 3 public disabled parking spaces at the opposite Stadthaus, street: An der Gohrsmühle.
Access to the museum for wheelchair users is via a ramp (side entrance).
All levels of the museum can be reached via the wheelchair-accessible elevator.
A disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The dementia+art program is aimed at people with dementia and their relatives. A flyer will be sent with this offer. In addition, tactile tours for the blind with objects made of bronze, stone and wood are offered.

Farah Ossouli – New Perspektives
Im Leonora-Carrington-Saal
27.06.2025 - 05.10.2025
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
Di-So 11-18, 1. Do im Monat 11-21 h
Max-Ernst-Allee 1 / Comesstraße 42, 50321 Brühl

The Max Ernst Museum opened in 2005. The building complex is a combination of old and new. The classical three-wing complex from the 19th century was expanded to include a centrally inserted glass pavilion and additional exhibition and event rooms in the basement.

There are 2 disabled parking spaces in the museum car park. From there you can reach the barrier-free side entrance with the wheelchair elevator (bell accessible for wheelchair users, automatic door).

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.

To avoid waiting times for you, we ask that you make a reservation. Tel.: +49 (0) 22 32 / 57 93 -117, email: shop.mem@rheinlandkultur.de

The house is handicap accessible. A disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine level, which can be reached by elevator. The stairs are equipped with banisters on both sides. Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.

Wheelchairs, walkers and stools can be borrowed. The service staff is available for assistance.

The images are at 1.5-1.6 m in height. There are also tactile exhibits. The works of art are illuminated in the best possible way. It is guaranteed that the showcases can be driven under.

There is an extensive range of mediation services for the blind and visually impaired, for the deaf and hearing impaired, for people with intellectual disabilities and for people with and without dementia. A program booklet will be created for this purpose, which is available in the museum and can be requested. Other offers for people with special needs are available on request.

10 folding stools, 3 wheelchairs and 1 walker can be borrowed. 45 audio guides are available with tours for adults, children and in plain language.

Assistance dogs are allowed.
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available in the museum car park. From there you can reach the side entrance with the wheelchair lift at ground level.

Due to the special architecture of the house and the associated evacuation times, only three people who are dependent on a wheelchair can currently be received in the exhibition rooms at the same time.
Access for wheelchair users is at ground level via a flat ramp.
Both elevators in the building are barrier-free.
1 disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine. The toilet can be reached by elevator.
There are guided tours and workshops for the blind/visually impaired. Tactile objects are used for this.
The "Chez Max" museum café is barrier-free.
There are 45 paid audio guides available. Audio tours are offered for adults, children and in plain language.
Plain language audio guides are available
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Es können 10 Klapphocker ausgeliehen werden. 3 Leihrollstühle stehen zur Verfügung. Es werden Workshops für Blinde und Sehbehinderte, Gehörlöse und Hörgeschädigte sowie Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und mit Demenz angeboten. Dazu wird ein Programmheft erstellt, das im Museum ausliegt und angefragt werden kann.

Die Bilder sind auf 1,5-1,6 m Höhe. Außerdem gibt es taktile Exponate. Die Kunstwerke sind bestmöglich ausgeleuchtet. Unterfahrbarkeit der Vitrinen ist gewährleistet.
Videos in sign language about the artist Max Ernst, the house and the collection can be accessed on the website.