KölnSkulptur #11 – Body Manoeuvres23.06.2024 - 01.06.2026
Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln
April-Sept. tägl. 10.30-19h, Okt.-März tägl. 10.30-17h
Elsa-Brändström-Str. 9, 50668 Köln
Elsa-Brändström-Str. 9, 50668 Köln
The Cologne Sculpture exhibition series, designed as a biennial, has been presenting new trends in contemporary sculpture since 1997 in the publicly accessible park between the banks of the Rhine and the zoo in the inner green belt of Cologne's northern city. The designed nature and the sculptures and architectures permanently installed in the park form the background for the 11th edition of Cologne Sculpture, which positions itself in the field of tension between the monumental and the ephemeral. Under the heading "Body Manoeuvres", important developments in contemporary art are examined. Globally relevant topics such as technological developments in the field of artificial intelligence, the effects of climate change, the current challenges that democratic institutions are increasingly facing, or the emergence of new economies are encountered by visitors in the works of eight contemporary artists that were created especially for the current edition of Cologne Sculpture. In different ways, they reflect and formulate approaches to ideas about art, nature and the future in a time of global uncertainty and crisis.
Artists of KölnSkulptur #11: Olga Balema, Marte Eknæs, Julian Göthe, Judith Hopf, Paulina Olowska, Georgia Sagri, Frances Scholz, Peter Wächtler. In addition to the new works by these artists, 36 works by James Lee Byars, Fischli/weiss, Anish Kapoor, Ulrich Rückriem, Thomas Schütte, Rosemarie Trockel and Bernar Venet, among others, can be viewed on a tour. An overview plan can be downloaded from the website.
Fig.: Marte Eknæs, Insides, 2024. Courtesy of the artist © Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln, 2024, Photo: Mareike Tocha
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Römisch-Germanisches Museum im Belgischen Haus
Das RGM im Belgischen Haus, Cäcilienstraße 4615.11.2019 - 30.06.2025
Das RGM im Belgischen Haus, Cäcilienstraße 4615.11.2019 - 30.06.2025
Römisch-Germanisches Museum
Di-So 10-17, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Roncalliplatz 4, 50667 Köln
Roncalliplatz 4, 50667 Köln
The Roman-Germanic Museum on Roncalliplatz is closed for renovation work. A branch is currently located in the Belgisches Haus (Cäcilienstraße 46 - near Neumarkt).
Sammlerträume. Sternstunden niederländischer Barockkunst26.05.2023 - 21.04.2025
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-21 Fei 10-18 h
Obenmarspforten, 50667 Köln
Obenmarspforten, 50667 Köln
For the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, a new, separate building was erected in the historic center of the city according to plans by the Cologne architect Oswald Mathias Ungers, which was occupied in January 2001. In the same year, the Swiss entrepreneur Gérard J. Corboud and his Cologne-born wife Marisol Corboud bequeathed their extensive collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings to the Wallraf-Richartz Museum on "perpetual loan". Since then, the museum has borne the name Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud in gratitude and in honor of the donors.
There are several disabled parking spaces near the museum, the next two on Martinstrasse.
The museum has step-free access at ground level (obenmarspforten entrance, left door).
A disabled toilet is located in the foyer. The cloakroom in the foyer is barrier-free.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer.
Wheelchairs, folding stools, walkers and strollers can be borrowed at the cash desk.
Listening stations accessible for wheelchair users.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Cologne Museum Service offers guided tours for people with dementia and impaired vision upon prior notification. Tangible objects are available in the museum case.
guided tours in simple language are offered.
Audio guides for special exhibitions always with induction loops for the hearing impaired. The gastronomy in the foyer is accessible without barriers, the table height is accessible with the general wheelchair models.
Assistance dogs are allowed with prior notification.
There are several disabled parking spaces near the museum, the next two on Martinstrasse.
The museum has step-free access at ground level (obenmarspforten entrance, left door).
A disabled toilet is located in the foyer. The cloakroom in the foyer is barrier-free.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer.
Wheelchairs, folding stools, walkers and strollers can be borrowed at the cash desk.
Listening stations accessible for wheelchair users.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Cologne Museum Service offers guided tours for people with dementia and impaired vision upon prior notification. Tangible objects are available in the museum case.
guided tours in simple language are offered.
Audio guides for special exhibitions always with induction loops for the hearing impaired. The gastronomy in the foyer is accessible without barriers, the table height is accessible with the general wheelchair models.
Assistance dogs are allowed with prior notification.
There are several disabled parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance (Martinstrasse).
The museum has a level, step-free entrance. The door opens automatically.
A disabled toilet is located in the foyer.
All exhibition levels can be reached via two wheelchair-accessible elevators
The Museumsdienst Köln offers guided tours for people with impaired vision for the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions. Tangible objects are available in the museum case. Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.
Guided tours in sign language are conducted upon request.
Es werden Führungen in Leichter Sprache angeboten.
Es stehen Audioguides (75) zur Verfügung
There are mobile induction loops (20) for people with hearing aids.
Assistance dogs are allowed with prior notification.
The museum café in the foyer is barrier-free. Table height is accessible with the general wheelchair models.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Cologne Museum Service offers guided tours for people with dementia after prior registration.
Folding stools (50), wheelchairs (2) and buggies are available on request at the cash desk. Magnifying glasses can be borrowed.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Museumsdienst Köln offers guided tours for people with impaired vision or dementia after prior registration.
A limited number of mobile induction loops for people with hearing aids are available. Information and catalogs are available as accessible CDs.
For the permanent collection as well as for special exhibitions, the Museumsdienst Köln offers guided tours for people with impaired vision or dementia after prior registration.
A limited number of mobile induction loops for people with hearing aids are available. Information and catalogs are available as accessible CDs.
Ãœber den Wert der Zeit
Neupräsentation der Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst10.08.2023 - 31.08.2025
Neupräsentation der Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst10.08.2023 - 31.08.2025
Museum Ludwig Köln
Di-So/Fei 10-18, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.
Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.
Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways. The ground-level, stepless main entrances have wide glass sliding doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently.
All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Audio guides (80) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp
Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available on request.
Special tours are offered for the blind and visually impaired.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops are offered for people with dementia changes.
An der Kasse können Klapphocker (80) und Rollstühle (2) ausgeliehen werden. Bei ausgewählten Anlässen werden Führungen in Gebärdensprache angeboten. Es werden Workshops für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten. Workshops und Führungen werden vom Museumsdienst Köln angeboten und durchgeführt. Auskunft und Buchung unter Tel.: 0221-221-27380
Du bist dran!-Space4Kids08.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Kulturen der Welt
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h
Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln
Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln
The Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and the Schnütgen Museum are housed in a building ensemble that consists of a new building and historical parts of the building. Below the museum complex there is an underground car park with parking spaces for the disabled and a barrier-free elevator to the shared foyer of the two museums.
The museums can be reached at ground level via a flat ramp. The front door opens automatically.
All door widths in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum are suitable for wheelchairs. Disabled toilets (m/f) are located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free via the elevator from the foyer.
The cash register is marked with guide strips for the blind, as is the elevator in the foyer, which can be reached at ground level. The barrier-free elevators (2) take you to all exhibition levels, the elevators are suitable for wheelchairs. Cloakroom and lockers are located in the basement and are freely accessible.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. Folding chairs as walking aids and 2 rental wheelchairs (with advance notice) are available.
Touchscreens, audio guides with some descriptive texts and video guides in sign language are available. mp3 files can be downloaded from the homepage.
Listening stations in the permanent exhibition are accessible for wheelchair users and can be operated barrier-free. The event hall is equipped with induction loops.
An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
The gastronomy in the ground-level entrance area is barrier-free accessible, the outdoor gastronomy in the courtyard area, which is open in summer, can be reached via a ramp.
The museums can be reached at ground level via a flat ramp. The front door opens automatically.
All door widths in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum are suitable for wheelchairs. Disabled toilets (m/f) are located in the basement and can be reached barrier-free via the elevator from the foyer.
The cash register is marked with guide strips for the blind, as is the elevator in the foyer, which can be reached at ground level. The barrier-free elevators (2) take you to all exhibition levels, the elevators are suitable for wheelchairs. Cloakroom and lockers are located in the basement and are freely accessible.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. Folding chairs as walking aids and 2 rental wheelchairs (with advance notice) are available.
Touchscreens, audio guides with some descriptive texts and video guides in sign language are available. mp3 files can be downloaded from the homepage.
Listening stations in the permanent exhibition are accessible for wheelchair users and can be operated barrier-free. The event hall is equipped with induction loops.
An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
The gastronomy in the ground-level entrance area is barrier-free accessible, the outdoor gastronomy in the courtyard area, which is open in summer, can be reached via a ramp.
There is an underground car park under the museum with parking spaces for the disabled and a barrier-free elevator to the foyer.
The museum can be reached at ground level via a flat ramp. The front door opens automatically.
2 disabled toilets (m/f) in the basement are fully accessible via the elevator.
The 2 barrier-free elevators take you to all exhibition levels, the elevators are suitable for wheelchairs. The elevator in the foyer can be reached at ground level. A guide strip for the blind leads to the elevator.
Guide strips for the blind in the foyer lead to the ticket office and the elevator. Tactile objects are available in some areas of the museum.
100 audio guides are available. mp3 files can be downloaded from the homepage.
Guided tours in sign language on the video guides. Films in sign language explain the themed course and show the highlights of the exhibition.
The gastronomy in the ground-level entrance area is barrier-free accessible, the outdoor gastronomy in the courtyard area, which is open in summer, can be reached via a ramp.
An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
The event hall is equipped with induction loops.
Folding chairs as walking aids and 2 rental wheelchairs (with advance notice) are available. Touchscreens, audio guides with some descriptive texts and video guides in sign language are available. Listening stations in the permanent exhibition are accessible for wheelchair users and can be operated barrier-free.
Schultze Projects #4: Kresiah Mukwazhi20.09.2024 - 22.08.2027
Museum Ludwig Köln
Di-So/Fei 10-18, 1. Do im Monat 10-22 h
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln
Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.
Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The main entrances have wide sliding glass doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently. All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
Seating is available in the exhibition area and in the foyer. There are folding stools (130) and rental wheelchairs (2) available. (Let us know at the cash desk). 1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Cloakroom and lockers with staff are located in the entrance area.
Audio guides (150) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Induction loops for the hearing impaired are available at the ticket office. Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available. Amplifiers for older hearing aids for guides are available.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp.
The public "Parkhaus Philharmonie" is located under the Ludwig Museum with 9 paid parking spaces for the disabled. At the gate to the Museum Ludwig (address Bischofsgartenstrasse) there is a lift that takes you to the museum. For more information about the car park, call 0221-221-27380
The Museum Ludwig can be reached barrier-free in several ways. The ground-level, stepless main entrances have wide glass sliding doors with contrasts for the visually impaired and open independently.
All exhibition levels can be reached via barrier-free elevators. These have wheelchair accessible (low) controls that are also raised and high contrast for the visually impaired.
1 disabled toilet is in the entrance area, 1 disabled toilet in the exhibition area on the 1st floor.
Audio guides (80) on the museum`s collection are available. The audio guide can also be downloaded as an mp3 file from the museum website. There is also an audio guide for children. This can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.
Guided tours in sign language are offered at selected events.
The gastronomy is at ground level from the outside and can be reached from the foyer via a ramp
Mobile induction loops for tours with a tour guide for the hearing impaired are available on request.
Special tours are offered for the blind and visually impaired.
Assistance dogs are allowed.
Workshops are offered for people with dementia changes.
An der Kasse können Klapphocker (80) und Rollstühle (2) ausgeliehen werden. Bei ausgewählten Anlässen werden Führungen in Gebärdensprache angeboten. Es werden Workshops für Menschen mit demenziellen Veränderungen angeboten. Workshops und Führungen werden vom Museumsdienst Köln angeboten und durchgeführt. Auskunft und Buchung unter Tel.: 0221-221-27380
Update Cologne #08 Wolfgang Lüttgens12.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung
Mi & Fr 15.30-18.30, So 11-14 h u.n.V.
Wormser Straße 23, 50677 Köln
Wormser Straße 23, 50677 Köln
Wols. Ewald Rathke Collection.07.02.2025 - 05.04.2025
Galerie Karsten Greve
Di-Fr 10-18.30, Sa 10-18 h
Drususgasse 1-5, 50667 Köln
Drususgasse 1-5, 50667 Köln