Dauerausstellung zu den Werken verfolgter Künstler*innen01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
Zentrum für verfolgte Künste
Di–So/Fei 10–17 Uhr
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
+49 212 2 58 14-0 / -44 Fax
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
+49 212 2 58 14-0 / -44 Fax
The Center for Persecuted Arts is located in the building of the former town hall of Gräfrath, which was built in 1907/1908 in the Neuberg style and expanded in 1995/1996 with a rear extension.
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available. Access is via the side entrance on the left, which is at ground level and has no steps. Unfortunately, all access routes are paved with cobblestones.
A disabled-friendly sanitary room is available on the 2nd floor below.
Disabled lockers are available in the foyer. The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. The door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchairs.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.
Tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
The Junkbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available. Access is via the side entrance on the left, which is at ground level and has no steps. Unfortunately, all access routes are paved with cobblestones.
A disabled-friendly sanitary room is available on the 2nd floor below.
Disabled lockers are available in the foyer. The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. The door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchairs.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.
Tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
The Junkbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available.
Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance on the left.
The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. However, the door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchair users.
A disabled toilet is located on the 2nd basement floor.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer.
Some tactile sculptures are available.
Some tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
Assistance dogs are allowed
The Jungbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.
Die Geschichte der Klinge von der Steinzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
Dauerausstellung01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Dauerausstellung01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Deutsches Klingenmuseum
Di-So 10-17, Fr 14-17 h
Klosterhof 4, 42653 Solingen
Klosterhof 4, 42653 Solingen
The German Blade Museum has been housed in the baroque building of the former Augustinian monastery in Gräfrath since 1991.
A disabled parking space is available.
The museum is barrier-free for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users. All public areas of the museum are easily accessible.
A disabled toilet is available.
Guided tours for blind and visually impaired museum visitors are offered.
A disabled parking space is available.
The museum is barrier-free for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users. All public areas of the museum are easily accessible.
A disabled toilet is available.
Guided tours for blind and visually impaired museum visitors are offered.
A disabled parking space is available.
A disabled toilet is available.
A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
Guided tours for blind and visually impaired museum visitors are offered.
The museum is barrier-free for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users. All public areas of the museum are easily accessible.
The museum website is available in plain language
25 Jahre Kunstmuseum Solingen
Dauerausstellung01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Dauerausstellung01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Kunstmuseum Solingen
Di-So 10-17 h
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
Das Kunstmuseum Solingen ist in einem denkmalgeschützten Altbau aus dem Jahre 1907/1908 (ehemaliges Rathaus Gräfrath) und einem Neubau untergebracht, der 1995/1996 angefügt wurde. 50 Meter vom Eingang entfernt befinden sich 2 Behindertenparkplätze. Der Zugang erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über einen Nebeneingang, der als Behinderteneingang ausgewiesen ist.Im Gebäude befindet sich 1 behindertengerechtes WC im UG sowie ein behindertengerechter Aufzug. Alle Türbreiten sind für Rolli geeignet.1 Leihrollstuhl sowie frei zugängliche Klapphocker stehen zur Verfügung. Audioguides zur ständigen Sammlung und zu einzelnen Wechselausstellungen wie zur Internationalen Bergischen Kunstausstellung können ausgeliehen werden. Auf Anfrage werden Führungen in Leichter Sprache durchgeführt.Die Gastronomie ist barrierefrei zugänglich. Ein Assistenzhund ist erlaubt.
Ebenerdiger, stufenloser Zugang durch den Nebeneingang, der als Behinderteneingang ausgewiesen ist.
2 Behindertenparkplätze finden sich 50 Meter vom Museumseingang entfernt.
Rolli-Aufzug vorhanden.
1 Behindertengerechtes WC im UG vorhanden.
Die Gastronomie ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Auf Anfrage werden Führungen in Leichter Sprache durchgeführt.
Ein Assistenzhund ist erlaubt.
Es sind Audioguides zur ständigen Sammlung und zu einzelnen Wechselausstellungen wie z.B. zur "Internationalen Bergischen Kunstausstellung" vorhanden.
Keine Freiheit ohne Pressefreiheit
30 Jahre Reporter ohne Grenzen in Deutschland05.05.2024 - 08.09.2024
30 Jahre Reporter ohne Grenzen in Deutschland05.05.2024 - 08.09.2024
Zentrum für verfolgte Künste
Di–So/Fei 10–17 Uhr
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
+49 212 2 58 14-0 / -44 Fax
Wuppertaler Str. 160, 42653 Solingen
+49 212 2 58 14-0 / -44 Fax
The Center for Persecuted Arts is located in the building of the former town hall of Gräfrath, which was built in 1907/1908 in the Neuberg style and expanded in 1995/1996 with a rear extension.
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available. Access is via the side entrance on the left, which is at ground level and has no steps. Unfortunately, all access routes are paved with cobblestones.
A disabled-friendly sanitary room is available on the 2nd floor below.
Disabled lockers are available in the foyer. The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. The door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchairs.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.
Tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
The Junkbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available. Access is via the side entrance on the left, which is at ground level and has no steps. Unfortunately, all access routes are paved with cobblestones.
A disabled-friendly sanitary room is available on the 2nd floor below.
Disabled lockers are available in the foyer. The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. The door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchairs.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.
Tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
The Junkbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
There are 2 disabled parking spaces available.
Step-free access at ground level is possible via the side entrance on the left.
The publicly accessible areas of the museum can be reached via an elevator suitable for wheelchairs. However, the door widths are only partially suitable for wheelchair users.
A disabled toilet is located on the 2nd basement floor.
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer.
Some tactile sculptures are available.
Some tactile sculptures are available.
Texts are available in plain language.
Assistance dogs are allowed
The Jungbrunnen restaurant is located on the ground floor. Access is via a level, step-free entrance. A disabled toilet is available in the restaurant. A ground-level beer garden also belongs to the restaurant.
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
Opening times: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-2pm & 4.30pm-10pm
Audio guides can be borrowed in the foyer, as can folding stools and a wheelchair.