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EXHIBITIONS in Düsseldorf

On Display
Dauerausstellungmit Hauptwerken der klassischen Moderne
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
K20 Grabbeplatz
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1. Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Grabbeplatz 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free. Disabled parking spaces for K20 are located in the underground car park. Access to K20 is via a flat ramp (main entrance).

All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers.

All door widths in K20 are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.

Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in the underground car park under K20 Grabbeplatz.
Access to K20 is via a flat ramp. (Main entrance)
1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.
The café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.
The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Information on guided tours and mediation offers from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.
Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.

AR Biennale 2023: Hybrid Nature14.05.2023 - 29.10.2023
Vernissage: 13.05.2023 14-18 Uhr
NRW-Forum Düsseldorf
Di-So 11-20, Fr 11-24 h
Ehrenhof 2, 40479 Düsseldorf

The NRW-Forum Düsseldorf is part of the listed Ehrenhof ensemble from the 1920s, which also includes the Museum Kunstpalast and the Tonhalle Düsseldorf.
The NRW-Forum Düsseldorf is an international exhibition center for photography, pop and digital culture and sees itself as a lively ideas factory for the whole family.

The employee car park, which can be used by disabled people, is located directly in front of the barrier-free entrance at the corner of Joseph-Beuys-Ufer / Oederallee (in the direction of Tonhalle Düsseldorf / Rheinseite). Access only via Oederallee. The number of places is limited, but getting on and off is always possible. At the signposted barrier-free entrance there is a bell with which the museum staff is called, who then opens the door. If you have any questions about the visit and mediation offers, you can get information on Tel.: 0211-8926690

All exhibition rooms in the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf are barrier-free accessible.

An elevator leads to the upper floor.

There are disabled toilets on the ground floor.

The bistro PONG on the ground floor is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.
The employee car park, which can be used, is located directly in front of the barrier-free entrance at the corner of Joseph-Beuys-Ufer / Oederallee (in the direction of Tonhalle Düsseldorf / Rheinseite). Access only via Oederallee. The number of places is limited, but getting on and off is always possible.
The barrier-free entrance is on the corner of Joseph-Beuys-Ufer / Oederallee (direction Tonhalle Düsseldorf / Rheinseite). There is a bell here that is used to call the museum staff to open the door.
All exhibition rooms in the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf are barrier-free accessible. An elevator leads to the upper floor.
There are disabled toilets on the ground floor.
An assistance dog is allowed.
The Bistro PONG in the foyer is barrier-free.
Bei Fragen rund um den Besuch und zu Vermittlungsangeboten erhalten Sie Informationen unter Tel.: 0211–8926690

Havîn Al-Sîndy: Ein Bild von einem Tor
mit Eva Busch, Bariş Seyitvan, Sinthujan Varatharajah, Schüler*innen, Mariane Verbecq & Milena Cestao, Leyla Toprak, Johab Silva, Heike Dempster
16.08.2023 - 29.10.2023
Vernissage: 15.09.2023 18 Uhr
Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf NKR
Do/Fr 15-20, Sa/So/f 14-18 h
Himmelgeister Str. 107 E, 40225 Düsseldorf
0211 89 24193

MUR BRUT 28: Jiseong Boo. Kindino18.08.2023 - 05.11.2023
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Di-Sa 12-19, So/Fei 11-18 h
Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf

The Kunsthalle`s concrete cube, built in 1967, houses the two independent institutions Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westphalia.

The Kunsthalle is a house for temporary exhibitions without its own collection. Tendencies and positions in contemporary art and their historical and local reference points are at the center of the program.

Due to the structural conditions, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf is not completely barrier-free.

In the car park opposite under the North Rhine-Westphalia Art Collection at Grabbeplatz 5, there are 5 designated disabled parking spaces. From the parking lot, take the exit to the street and then to the Kunsthalle. The car park staff will be happy to help and can be called on Tel.: 0176-37765668. The distance to the Kunsthalle opposite is about 100 meters.

Access to the building for wheelchair users is at ground level via a rear entrance.

The supervisory staff is called with a bell at the main entrance to the left of the stairs in the bookshop area. Accompanied by the supervisor, you can take the elevator to the exhibition levels on the 1st and 2nd floors.

The door widths throughout the house are suitable for wheelchair users.

There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.

20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed. Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions.

Workshops for different target groups are offered on request.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Im Parkhaus unter der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Grabbeplatz 5) stehen 5 ausgewiesene Behindertenparkplätze zur Verfügung. Vom Parkplatz geht es über die Ausfahrt zur Strasse. Das Personal ist behilflich und kann gerufen werden unter Tel.: 0176-37765668. Entfernung zur gegenüber liegenden Kunsthalle ca. 100 Meter.
Der Zugang zum Gebäude erfolgt für Rollstuhlfahrer ebenerdig über den Hintereingang. Mit einer Aussen-Klingel an der linken Gebäudeseite im Bereich der Buchhandlung wird das Aufsichtspersonal gerufen. In Begleitung der Aufsicht gelangt man mit dem Aufzug in die Ausstellungsebene im 1.OG und im 2. OG. Das Foyer und die Garderobe sind für Rollstuhlfahrer nicht zugänglich, das Personal ist Ihnen aber behilflich.
There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.
The exhibition rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors can be reached by elevator accompanied by the security staff.
Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request. An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.
Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions
An assistance dog is allowed.
20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Workshops are offered for different target groups.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.

Johannes Bendzulla – White cube, white teeth
Lido im Malkasten (Bar)
22.08.2023 - 30.12.2023
Vernissage: 22.08.2023 19 Uhr
Künstlerverein Malkasten
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website
Jacobistraße 6a, 40211 Düsseldorf

Marc von Griegern – Goldener Käfig
29.08.2023 - 07.10.2023
Vernissage: 29.08.2023 19 Uhr
Künstlerverein Malkasten
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website
Jacobistraße 6a, 40211 Düsseldorf

Tomas Kleiner. [´fffhhhhh] - praktiken der beflügelung01.09.2023 - 21.10.2023
Petra Rinck Galerie
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h u.n.V.
Birkenstrasse 45, 40233 Düsseldorf

Sophie Ullrich – Tropical Sidewalk01.09.2023 - 21.10.2023
Vernissage: 01.09.2023 18-21 Uhr
Galerie Rupert Pfab
Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 11-14 h u.n.V.
Poststraße 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Gerold Miller – modern sculpture01.09.2023 - 14.10.2023
Vernissage: 01.09.2023 18-21 Uhr
Van Horn
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-14 h u.n.V.
Ackerstr. 99, 40233 Düsseldorf

Susan Philipsz – Sokol Terezín
With works by Max Neuhaus
01.09.2023 - 04.11.2023
Konrad Fischer Galerie
Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-14 h
Platanenstr. 7, 40233 Düsseldorf

Wolfgang Flad – oh brother, my glasses01.09.2023 - 21.10.2023
Galerie Grölle
Fr, Sa 15-18 h
Platanenstrasse 11, 40233 Düsseldorf

Karin Kneffel – Face of a Woman, Head of a Child01.09.2023 - 14.10.2023
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-15 h
Lindenstraße 182, 40233 Düsseldorf

Lars Teichmann – En miroir01.09.2023 - 21.10.2023
Galerie Clara Maria Sels
Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 12-15 h
Poststr. 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Hedda Roman – Oldboy: Death to Dialectics01.09.2023 - 14.10.2023
Galerie Sies + Höke
Di-Fr 12-18.30, Sa 12-14.30 h
Poststraße 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Bernd & Hilla Becher, Joseph Beuys, Andreas Gursky, Marcel Odenbach, Gerhard Richter, Thomas Ruff, Fritz Schwegler, Gregor Schneider – 250 Jahre Kunstakademie Düsseldorf01.09.2023 - 14.10.2023
Galerie Ute Parduhn
Mi-Fr 14-18 h u.n.V.
Kaiserswerther Markt 6 a, 40489 Düsseldorf

Spot on! Leuchtendesign des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Klassischen Moderne01.09.2023 - 11.11.2023
Beck & Eggeling
Di-Fr 10-13/14-18, Sa 11-16 h
Bilker Straße 5 / 4-6, 40213 Düsseldorf

Berit Schneidereit – island01.09.2023 - 07.10.2023
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h
Birkenstr. 39, 40233 Düsseldorf

Arrange Whatever Pieces Come Your Way, Martin Boyce – Places, Pieces01.09.2023 - 14.10.2023
Linn Lühn
Mi-Fr 13-17, Sa 12-15 h
Birkenstr. 43, 40233 Düsseldorf

Heidi Hahn02.09.2023 - 15.10.2023
Kadel Willborn
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 11-16 h u.n.V.
Birkenstraße 3, 40233 Düsseldorf

Double Feature: Young-Jun Tak03.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
Julia Stoschek Collection
Sa/So 12-18 Uhr, jeder 1. Do. im Monat 18-22 Uhr
Schanzenstrasse 54, 40549 Düsseldorf

Klasse Katharina Wulf10.09.2023 - 22.10.2023
Kultur Bahnhof Eller
Di-So 15-19 h
Vennhauser Allee 89, 40229 Düsseldorf

Romina Farkas – Blauer Himmel22.09.2023 - 15.10.2023
Vernissage: 22.09.2023 16-18 Uhr
Siehe Webseite
Worringer Platz 1, 40210 Düsseldorf
+43 176 - 82 12 38 41

Silas Parry, Zu Kalinowska – don't listen, just remember 23.09.2023 - 15.10.2023
plan.d. produzentengalerie
Sa/So 15-18 h u.n.V.
Dorotheenstraße 59, 40235 Düsseldorf

Harding Meyer - Audience23.09.2023 - 04.11.2023
Galerie Voss
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-14 h u.n.V.
Mühlengasse 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Fiona Connor – Drawing something under itself23.09.2023 - 26.11.2023
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen
Di-So 11-18 h
Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf

Charly. Karl-Heinz Rummeny 1956-2022. Leben, Arbeit, Sammlung, Werk
Malkastenpark + Vitrine im Hentrichhaus
29.09.2023 - 05.11.2023
Künstlerverein Malkasten
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website
Jacobistraße 6a, 40211 Düsseldorf

Karl-Heinz Rummeny. Charly30.09.2023 - 05.11.2023
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Di-Sa 12-19, So/Fei 11-18 h
Grabbeplatz 4, 40213 Düsseldorf

The Kunsthalle`s concrete cube, built in 1967, houses the two independent institutions Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westphalia.

The Kunsthalle is a house for temporary exhibitions without its own collection. Tendencies and positions in contemporary art and their historical and local reference points are at the center of the program.

Due to the structural conditions, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf is not completely barrier-free.

In the car park opposite under the North Rhine-Westphalia Art Collection at Grabbeplatz 5, there are 5 designated disabled parking spaces. From the parking lot, take the exit to the street and then to the Kunsthalle. The car park staff will be happy to help and can be called on Tel.: 0176-37765668. The distance to the Kunsthalle opposite is about 100 meters.

Access to the building for wheelchair users is at ground level via a rear entrance.

The supervisory staff is called with a bell at the main entrance to the left of the stairs in the bookshop area. Accompanied by the supervisor, you can take the elevator to the exhibition levels on the 1st and 2nd floors.

The door widths throughout the house are suitable for wheelchair users.

There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.

20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed. Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions.

Workshops for different target groups are offered on request.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An assistance dog is allowed.
Im Parkhaus unter der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Grabbeplatz 5) stehen 5 ausgewiesene Behindertenparkplätze zur Verfügung. Vom Parkplatz geht es über die Ausfahrt zur Strasse. Das Personal ist behilflich und kann gerufen werden unter Tel.: 0176-37765668. Entfernung zur gegenüber liegenden Kunsthalle ca. 100 Meter.
Der Zugang zum Gebäude erfolgt für Rollstuhlfahrer ebenerdig über den Hintereingang. Mit einer Aussen-Klingel an der linken Gebäudeseite im Bereich der Buchhandlung wird das Aufsichtspersonal gerufen. In Begleitung der Aufsicht gelangt man mit dem Aufzug in die Ausstellungsebene im 1.OG und im 2. OG. Das Foyer und die Garderobe sind für Rollstuhlfahrer nicht zugänglich, das Personal ist Ihnen aber behilflich.
There is a toilet on the second floor of the Kunsthalle, which can also be reached by visitors in wheelchairs via a short but steep ramp. Accompaniment by an assistant from the house is required. Access is via a cumbersome door.
The exhibition rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors can be reached by elevator accompanied by the security staff.
Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request. An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.
Texts in plain language are provided for individual exhibitions
An assistance dog is allowed.
20 folding stools and 10 magnifying glasses can be borrowed.

Workshops are offered for different target groups.

Guided tours for the blind and visually impaired are available on request.

An acoustic tour is offered for each temporary exhibition. This is aimed at blind, visually impaired and sighted people alike.

Bob Gruen, Leee Black Childers – Photo Exhibition / ELECTRI_CITY Conference05.10.2023 - 22.10.2023
Vernissage: 05.10.2023 18-22 Uhr
Do-So 14-18 h (bei Ausstellungen)
Ronsdorfer Straße 77a, 40233 Düsseldorf

Samira Hodaei – An Empty Sofreh 06.10.2023 - 17.12.2023
Vernissage: 06.10.2023 18-21 Uhr
Nur nach Voranmeldung unter sonneundsolche@posteo.de
Birkenstrasse 44, 40233 Düsseldorf

Die genialen Zonen
06.10.2023 - 04.11.2023
Vernissage: 06.10.2023 18-21 Uhr
Mi 11-14, Fr/Sa 15-18 h
Birkenstr. 56, 40233 Düsseldorf
siehe Webseite

Manuel Graf – Stay in tonight06.10.2023 - 19.11.2023
Vernissage: 06.10.2023 18-21 Uhr
Rinde am Rhein
Siehe Webseite
Kreuzstraße 49, 40210 Düsseldorf

Lena Schmitt, Constanze Victoria Thieleke – Dasselbe in Grün
Absolventenausstellung Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
07.10.2023 - 29.10.2023
SITTart-Galerie im Künstler-Atelierhaus
Mi 10-13 h u.n.V.
Sittarder Str. 5, 40477 Düsseldorf

Bild und Text / Wir sehen, was wir lesen, und wir lesen, was wir sehen.
Katalogpräsentation und Vortrag
15.10.2023 - 15.10.2023
Vernissage: 15.10.2023 14:30 - 18:30
onomato Künstlerverein
Di 9-12, Do 14-19 h
Birkenstraße 97, 40233 Düsseldorf

Künstler_innen der Red Heat Gallery, Toronto
21.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
plan.d. produzentengalerie
Sa/So 15-18 h u.n.V.
Dorotheenstraße 59, 40235 Düsseldorf

Klaus-Martin Treder27.10.2023 - 30.11.2023
Vernissage: 27.10.2023 17-22 Uhr
Galerie Grölle
Fr, Sa 15-18 h
Platanenstrasse 11, 40233 Düsseldorf

Julius von Bismarck27.10.2023 - 24.11.2023
Vernissage: 27.10.2023 18-21 Uhr
Galerie Sies + Höke
Di-Fr 12-18.30, Sa 12-14.30 h
Poststraße 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Erika Hock, Irina Ojovan – A Complementary Story28.10.2023 - 16.12.2023
Vernissage: 28.10.2023 16-19 Uhr
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h
Birkenstr. 39, 40233 Düsseldorf

Muntean/Rosenblum, Paloma Varga EWeisz, Tobias Zielony – No Promises, No Demands28.10.2023 - 22.12.2023
Vernissage: 28.10.2023 16-19 Uhr
Van Horn
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-14 h u.n.V.
Ackerstr. 99, 40233 Düsseldorf

Interferenz28.10.2023 - 15.11.2023
Fr-So 14-17 h
Birkenstr. 47, 40233 Düsseldorf

Jörn Stoya – Tears are not enough28.10.2023 - 23.12.2023
Petra Rinck Galerie
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h u.n.V.
Birkenstrasse 45, 40233 Düsseldorf

Homage to the world we live in
Philip Kwame Apagya, Rineke Dijkstra, Nan Goldin, Hisaji Hara, Almut Heise, Uwe Henneken, Elfie Semotan
28.10.2023 - 22.12.2023
Linn Lühn
Mi-Fr 13-17, Sa 12-15 h
Birkenstr. 43, 40233 Düsseldorf

Lyonel Feininger – Männekens & Meer
Ausgewählte Papierarbeiten
28.10.2023 - 23.12.2023
Vernissage: 27.10.2023 19-21 Uhr
Galerie Ludorff
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-14 h
Königsallee 22, 40212 Düsseldorf

Bert Didillon – Fantastic Moon29.10.2023 - 06.12.2023
Galerie Peter Tedden
Mi-Fr 15-19, Sa 10-14 h u.n.V.
Mutter-Ey-Str. 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

Raus ins Museum! Rein in Deine Sammlung
Meisterwerke von Etel Adnan bis Andy Warhol in einer umfangreichen Neupräsentation
06.07.2024 - 01.12.2024
K20 Grabbeplatz
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1. Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Grabbeplatz 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free. Disabled parking spaces for K20 are located in the underground car park. Access to K20 is via a flat ramp (main entrance).

All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers.

All door widths in K20 are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request. Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.

Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.
There are 4 disabled parking spaces in the underground car park under K20 Grabbeplatz.
Access to K20 is via a flat ramp. (Main entrance)
1 disabled toilet is located on the ground floor.
All levels of K20 can be reached barrier-free via an elevator.
The café on the 2nd floor is barrier-free accessible via the elevator.
The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.
Guided tours for the blind/visually impaired are available on request.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Information on guided tours and mediation offers from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.
Guide dogs and dogs for the disabled can be taken along with the appropriate legitimation.

A person accompanying blind and visually impaired visitors does not pay admission.

Anke Eilergerhard, Anke Lohrer, Brigitte Dams, Irene Weingartner – Die Anmut der Stofflichkeit16.08.2024 - 05.10.2024
Galerie Clara Maria Sels
Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 12-15 h
Poststr. 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Thomas Schütte29.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
Galerie Ute Parduhn
Mi-Fr 14-18 h u.n.V.
Kaiserswerther Markt 6 a, 40489 Düsseldorf

30 Jahre Beck & Eggeling30.08.2024 - 05.10.2024
Vernissage: 30.08.2024 18-21 Uhr
Beck & Eggeling
Di-Fr 10-13/14-18, Sa 11-16 h
Bilker Straße 5 / 4-6, 40213 Düsseldorf

Gabriele Beveridge – Blood Moon30.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
Vernissage: 30.08.2024 18 Uhr
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h
Birkenstr. 39, 40233 Düsseldorf

manuel arturo abreu, Eva Barto, Bill Bollinger, Stanley Brouwn, Tony Chrenka, Edith Dekyndt, Jan Dibbets, Nöle Giulini, K.R.M. Mooney, Brandon Ndife, Winona Sloane Odette, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Ricardo Valentim und Jessica Vaughn
30.08.2024 - 09.11.2024
Konrad Fischer Galerie
Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-14 h
Platanenstr. 7, 40233 Düsseldorf

Céline Ducrot, Joachim Bandau30.08.2024 - 19.10.2024
Kadel Willborn
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 11-16 h u.n.V.
Birkenstraße 3, 40233 Düsseldorf

Keta Gavasheli, Andria Dolidze30.08.2024 - 19.10.2024
Linn Lühn
Mi-Fr 13-17, Sa 12-15 h
Birkenstr. 43, 40233 Düsseldorf

Hélène Fauquet30.08.2024 - 19.10.2024
Galerie Max Mayer
Di-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h
Worringer Strasse 64, 40211 Düsseldorf

Astrid Busch – Honeytrap30.08.2024 - 09.11.2024
Galerie Rupert Pfab
Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 11-14 h u.n.V.
Poststraße 3, 40213 Düsseldorf

Melanie Ender, Sofie Thorsen, Jenni Tischer– Irregular News30.08.2024 - 26.10.2024
Petra Rinck Galerie
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-16 h u.n.V.
Birkenstrasse 45, 40233 Düsseldorf

Sabrina Fritsch feat. CPLY – Come As You Are30.08.2024 - 05.10.2024
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-15 h
Lindenstraße 182, 40233 Düsseldorf

Jagoda Bednarsky – I Can’t Unsee30.08.2024 - 12.10.2024
Van Horn
Mi-Fr 13-18, Sa 12-14 h u.n.V.
Ackerstr. 99, 40233 Düsseldorf

Jason Karolak – synchronicity30.08.2024 - 26.10.2024
Galerie Grölle
Fr, Sa 15-18 h
Platanenstrasse 11, 40233 Düsseldorf

FLAUSENRAUSCH – der plan.d. Kunstpreis 202407.09.2024 - 06.10.2024
plan.d. produzentengalerie
Sa/So 15-18 h u.n.V.
Dorotheenstraße 59, 40235 Düsseldorf

Alessandro Raho, Dietmar Lutz – Conversation
01.10.2024 - 26.11.2024
Künstlerverein Malkasten
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website
Jacobistraße 6a, 40211 Düsseldorf

Robert Pillenstein18.10.2024 - 31.10.2024
Rinde am Rhein
Siehe Webseite
Kreuzstraße 49, 40210 Düsseldorf

Antonia Hermes – Left to my own devices
22.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
Künstlerverein Malkasten
Öffnungszeiten siehe Website
Jacobistraße 6a, 40211 Düsseldorf

Julie Mehretu
Zeichnung, Malerei
10.05.2025 - 19.10.2025
K21 Ständehaus
Di-Fr 10-18, Sa/So/Fei 11-18, 1.Mi. im Monat 10-22 h
Ständehausstrasse 1, 40217 Düsseldorf

The art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia is housed in three buildings. K20 Grabbeplatz and K21 Ständehaus are generally barrier-free. Due to the special architecture, the Schmela house is not barrier-free.

2 disabled parking spaces for K21 Standehaus are located in front of the building. Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance.

A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.

All levels of the K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via a lift.

1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor, as well as a disabled cloakroom with low lockers. All door widths in K21 Ständehaus are suitable for wheelchairs.

Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Information on guided tours and educational offers is available from the visitor service on Tel.: 0211-8381204, Email:service@kunstsammlung.de.

The artistically designed Pardo Bar on the ground floor is barrier-free.

An assistance dog is allowed.

2 disabled parking spaces are available in the closed interior area next to the building. There is an intercom in the Elisbethstraße 5 area, the barrier is opened by the control center on request.
Access to the K21 Ständehaus is at ground level and has no steps via the main entrance. A door opener is located to the right of the entrance.
1 disabled toilet is on the ground floor.
All levels of K21 Ständehaus can be reached barrier-free via an elevator
Audio guides are available for some exhibitions.
Für gehörlose und hörgeschädigte Besucher bietet die Kunstsammlung Führungen in Gebärdensprache an.
Für einzelne Ausstellungen stehen Audioguides in Leichter Sprache zur Verfügung.
Assistance dogs are aloowed
Die künstlerisch gestaltete Pardo Bar im EG ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Visitors with walking difficulties can borrow a wheelchair or folding chair from the cloakroom free of charge for the duration of their stay in the art collection (if possible with prior registration at the visitor service).

The art collection offers guided tours in sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors.

Audio guides are available for individual exhibitions, depending on the exhibition also in simple language.