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EXHIBITIONS in Wuppertal

Zeiten und Räume. Klassiker der Sammlung. Von Ruisdael bis Giacometti24.03.2024 - 30.03.2025
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Museum A bis Z: Von Anfang bis Zukunft10.01.2025 - 10.01.2027
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Terry Buchholz, Markus Müßinghof17.01.2025 - 21.02.2025
Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal
Mi-Fr 17-20, Sa/So/Fei 15-18 h
Hofaue 51, 42103 Wuppertal

Jürgen Paatz – Untitled
09.02.2025 - 21.03.2025
Hengesbach Gallery
Mo-Fr 13-18 h
Vogelsangstraße 20, 42109 Wuppertal

Maurice de Vlaminck. Rebell der Moderne16.02.2025 - 18.05.2025
Von der Heydt-Museum
Di+Mi 11-18, Do+Fr 11-20, Sa+So 10-18 h
Turmhof 8, 42103 Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt Museum is located in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. There are 2 public disabled parking spaces near the museum, address: Wall28/32. Access to the museum is via the wheelchair door next to the main entrance. There`s a bell here. Prior registration ensures a speedy process. Phone: 0202563-6231

The door widths in the museum are suitable for wheelchairs.

Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.

A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.

The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible.

An assistance dog is allowed upon request.
In der Nähe des Museums befinden sich 2 öffentliche Behindertenparkplätze. Adresse: Wand 28/32
Der Zugang zum Museum erfolgt ebenerdig und stufenlos über die Rollstuhlfahrertür neben dem Haupteingang. Hier ist ein Klingel vorhanden.
Barrier-free access to all levels of the museum by elevators.
A disabled toilet on the 1st floor. is barrier-free accessible by elevator.
The gastronomy on the ground floor is barrier-free accessible
Guided tours for people with special needs are offered by arrangement.

There are folding stools (60) and 1 rental wheelchair available.
Assistance dogs are allowed upon request.

Peter Buggenhout – Umleitung
08.03.2025 - 29.06.2025
Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden
März-Nov Di-So 10-18 h
Hirschstraße 12, 42285 Wuppertal